
时间:2020-10-03 18:53:19

标签: python networkx tweepy

我一直在尝试向正在创建的该节点添加诸如name之类的属性,但收到错误消息。 error

    # add name as a property to each node
    # with networkX each node is a dictionary
    G.add_node(tweeter_id,'name' = tweeter_name)
    G.add_node(interact_id,'name' = interact_name)

这是我得到的错误。 error message

      File "<ipython-input-31-55b9aecd990d>", line 28
        G.add_node(tweeter_id,'name' = tweeter_name)
    SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?


import networkx as nx

# define an empty Directed Graph
# A directed graph is a graph where edges have a direction
# in our case the edges goes from user that sent the tweet to
# the user with whom they interacted (retweeted, mentioned or quoted)
#g = nx.Graph()
G = nx.DiGraph()

# loop over all the tweets and add edges if the tweet include some interactions
for tweet in tweet_list:
    # find all influencers in the tweet
    tweeter, interactions = getAllInteractions(tweet)
    tweeter_id, tweeter_name = tweeter
    tweet_id = getTweetID(tweet)
    # add an edge to the Graph for each influencer
    for interaction in interactions:
        interact_id, interact_name = interaction
        # add edges between the two user ids
        # this will create new nodes if the nodes are not already in the network
        # we also add an attribute the to edge equal to the id of the tweet
        G.add_edge(tweeter_id, interact_id, tweet_id=tweet_id)
        # add name as a property to each node
        # with networkX each node is a dictionary
        G.add_node(tweeter_id, tweeter_name)
        G.add_node(interact_id, interact_name)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



G.add_node(tweeter_id, 'name') = tweeter_name

UPD :由于您使用的是networkx库,因此可以查看其add_node函数here



G.add_node(tweeter_id, attr_dict={'name': tweeter_name})

或作为Tibebes。 M指出,您也可以这样做:

G.add_node(tweeter_id, name=tweeter_name)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


G.add_node(tweeter_id,'name') = tweeter_name
G.add_node(interact_id,'name') = interact_name


G.add_node(tweeter_id, tweeter_name)
G.add_node(interact_id, interact_name)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您可以从the documentation读到


>>> G.add_node(1,size=10)

>>> G.add_node(3,weight=0.4,UTM=('13S',382871,3972649))



    # add name as a property to each node
    # with networkX each node is a dictionary
    G.add_node(tweeter_id, name = tweeter_name)
    G.add_node(interact_id, name = interact_name)
