我正在尝试更新sw.js上的抓取内容,以随机选择三个html页面之一。 1.html; 2.html和3.html。我应该能够测试一下,然后随机拉起。似乎什么都没发生。
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
// fires when the browser installs the app
// here we're just logging the event and the contents
// of the object passed to the event. the purpose of this event
// is to give the service worker a place to setup the local
// environment after the installation completes.
console.log(`Event fired: ${event.type}`);
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
// fires after the service worker completes its installation.
// It's a place for the service worker to clean up from previous
// service worker versions
console.log(`Event fired: ${event.type}`);
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// Fires whenever the app requests a resource (file or data)
// normally this is where the service worker would check to see
// if the requested resource is in the local cache before going
// to the server to get it. There's a whole chapter in the book
// covering different cache strategies, so I'm not going to say
// any more about this here
console.log(`Fetching ${event.request.url}`);
// console.dir(event.request);
// Next, go get the requested resource from the network,
// nothing fancy going on here.
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
let ran = Math.floor(Math.random() *3) +1
let ranPage = ran.toString() + '.html';
console.log(`Fetching random ${ranPage}'}`);