
时间:2020-09-02 08:49:39

标签: python


例如:如果我有:带有原始原始图片的名为“ Thor”,“ Loki”和“ Odin”的子目录,我想遍历这些子目录并应用face_align函数并自动创建另一个名为aligned face的文件夹,相同的子目录“ Thor”,“ Loki”和“ Odin”。但面部对齐且裁剪。


#Now that we have defined the face alignmet and cropping, we walk through each subfolder and use the align function
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('<path to subdirectories that has face pictures>'):
    for fname in files:
        fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
        with open(fpath, 'rb') as f, open('<path to new folder>', 'w') as newfile:
            data = f.read()
            new_data = align_face(data) #Implementing align_face function 



def align_face(imagePath):

    image = face_recognition.load_image_file(imagePath)

    face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image)

    face_landmarks = face_recognition.face_landmarks(image)

    if len(face_locations) == 0:
        print("Couldn't detect face for pid {} in path {}".format(Id,imagePath))

        return []

    if len(face_locations) > 1:
        return []

        (top, right, bottom, left) = face_locations[0]

        desiredWidth = (right - left)

        desiredHeight = (bottom - top)

        leftEyePts = face_landmarks[0]['left_eye']

        rightEyePts = face_landmarks[0]['right_eye']

        if len(leftEyePts) == 0 or len(rightEyePts) == 0:

            print("Couldn't detect both eyes for pid {} in path {}".format(Id,imagePath))
            return []


            leftEyeCenter = np.array(leftEyePts).mean(axis=0).astype("int")

            rightEyeCenter = np.array(rightEyePts).mean(axis=0).astype("int")

            leftEyeCenter = (leftEyeCenter[0],leftEyeCenter[1])

            rightEyeCenter = (rightEyeCenter[0],rightEyeCenter[1])

            dY = rightEyeCenter[1] - leftEyeCenter[1]

            dX = rightEyeCenter[0] - leftEyeCenter[0]
            angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dY, dX))

            desiredLeftEye=(0.35, 0.35)

            desiredFaceWidth = desiredWidth

            desiredFaceHeight = desiredHeight

            desiredRightEyeX = 1.0 - desiredLeftEye[0]

            dist = np.sqrt((dX ** 2) + (dY ** 2))

            desiredDist = (desiredRightEyeX - desiredLeftEye[0])
            desiredDist *= desiredFaceWidth

            scale = desiredDist / dist
            eyesCenter = ((leftEyeCenter[0] + rightEyeCenter[0]) // 2,
                (leftEyeCenter[1] + rightEyeCenter[1]) // 2)

            M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(eyesCenter, angle, scale)
            tX = desiredFaceWidth * 0.5

            tY = desiredFaceHeight * desiredLeftEye[1]

            M[0, 2] += (tX - eyesCenter[0])

            M[1, 2] += (tY - eyesCenter[1])
            (w, h) = (desiredFaceWidth, desiredFaceHeight)

            output = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h),flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

            output = cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

            print("images aligned")
            return output

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

your_dir_path = '...' # String. The path of your directory containing all your subdirectories
new_dir_path = '...' # The path of your new directory with the same architecture as the previous one, but with cropped and aligned faces

for subfolder in next(os.walk(your_dir_path))[1] : # Gives the list of all subdirectories inside the parent directory
  os.makedirs(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder)) # Creates the new subdirectory. Note that it will also create new_dir_path, so there's no need to add a line os.makedirs(new_dir_path)
  for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(your_dir_path, subfolder)) : # Gives the list of all files inside the 'subfolder' directory
    img = Image.open(os.path.join(your_dir_path, subfolder, file))
    #img = np.asarray(img) # If your align_face function works with numpy arrays
    new_img = align_face(img)
    #new_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(new_img)) # If your align_face function returns a numpy array
    new_img.save(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder, file)) 

如果文件夹已经存在,os.makedirs(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder))将引发错误。在这种情况下,您可以删除此行(如果您已经创建了new_dir_path文件夹及其所有体系结构),或者在重新创建之前删除了现有文件夹:

from shutil import rmtree # deletes a folder


if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder)) :
  rmtree(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder))

os.makedirs(os.path.join(new_dir_path, subfolder))

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以尝试使用glob。 在使用glob和正则表达式的情况下,您可以找到所有图像(假设根目录是当前活动目录),遍历它们并将新创建的图像存储在目标文件夹中

import glob, os
from pathlib import Path

destination_dir_path = "bawfaw"
image_paths = glob.glob("*/*/*.jpg") #in case those are jpg images
for image_path in image_paths:
 destination_image_path = Path(os.path.join(destination_dir_path, image_path))
 destination_image_folder = destination_image_path.parent

 if os.path.exists(destination_image_folder) is False:
   destination_image_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
 with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
  # process the image as you want and store it at destination_image_path
