使用canvas html5为图像绘制线条轮廓

时间:2020-09-01 19:56:44

标签: javascript html canvas html5-canvas

我正在尝试为图像绘制强度分布图,其中x轴为图像上线条的长度,y轴为强度值,沿着线条的长度。如何在html 5 canvas上执行此操作?我尝试了以下代码,但没有获得正确的强度值。不知道我要去哪里错了。

private getLineIntensityVals = function (lineObj, img) {
 const slope = this.calculateSlopeOfLine(lineObj.upPos, lineObj.downPos);
 const intercept = this.calculateIntercept(lineObj.downPos, slope);
 const ctx = img.getContext('2d');
 const coordinates = [];
 const intensities = [];
 for (let x = lineObj.downPos.x; x <= lineObj.upPos.x; x++) {
  const y = slope * x + intercept;
  const pixelData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
  pixelData[0] = 255 - pixelData[0];
  pixelData[1] = 255 - pixelData[1];
  pixelData[2] = 255 - pixelData[2];
  const intensity = ((0.299 * pixelData[0]) + (0.587 * pixelData[1]) + (0.114 * pixelData[2]));
 return intensities;

private calculateSlopeOfLine = function (upPos, downPos) {
 if (upPos.x === downPos.x || upPos.y === downPos.y) {
  return null;
 return (downPos.y - upPos.y) / (downPos.x - upPos.x);

private calculateIntercept = function (startPoint, slope) {
  if (slope === null) {
   return startPoint.x;
  return startPoint.y - slope * startPoint.x;

private calculateLineLength(line) {
  const dim = {width: Math.abs(line.downPos.x -line.upPos.x),height:Math.abs(line.downPos.y- line.upPos.y)};
  length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dim.width, 2) + Math.pow(dim.height, 2));
  return length;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)








// imgData is the pixel date
// x1,y1 and x2,y2 are the line end points
// sampleRate is number of samples per pixel
// Return array 3 values for each sample.
function getProfile(imgData, x1, y1, x2, y2, sampleRate) {

    // convert line to vector
    const dx = x2 - x1;
    const dy = y2 - y1;

    // get length and calculate number of samples for sample rate
    const samples = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** 0.5 * Math.abs(sampleRate) + 1 | 0;

    // Divide line vector by samples to get x, and y step per sample
    const nx = dx / samples;
    const ny = dy / samples;

    const w = imgData.width;
    const h = imgData.height;
    const pixels = imgData.data;
    const values = [];

    // Offset line to center of pixel
    var x = x1 + 0.5;
    var y = y1 + 0.5;
    var i = samples;

    while (i--) { // for each sample

        // make sure we are in the image
        if (x >= 0 && x < w - 1 && y >= 0 && y < h - 1) {

            // get 4 closest pixel indexes
            const idxA = ((x | 0) + (y | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxB = ((x + 1 | 0) + (y | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxC = ((x + 1 | 0) + (y + 1 | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxD = ((x | 0) + (y + 1 | 0) * w) * 4;

            // Get channel data using sRGB approximation
            const r1 = pixels[idxA] ** 2.2;
            const r2 = pixels[idxB] ** 2.2;
            const r3 = pixels[idxC] ** 2.2;
            const r4 = pixels[idxD] ** 2.2;

            const g1 = pixels[idxA + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g2 = pixels[idxB + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g3 = pixels[idxC + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g4 = pixels[idxD + 1] ** 2.2;

            const b1 = pixels[idxA + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b2 = pixels[idxB + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b3 = pixels[idxC + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b4 = pixels[idxD + 2] ** 2.2;

            // find value at location via linear interpolation
            const xf = x % 1;
            const yf = y % 1;

            const rr = (r2 - r1) * xf + r1;
            const gg = (g2 - g1) * xf + g1;       
            const bb = (b2 - b1) * xf + b1;       

            /// store channels as uncompressed sRGB
            values.push((((r3 - r4) * xf + r4) - rr) * yf + rr);
            values.push((((g3 - g4) * xf + g4) - gg) * yf + gg);
            values.push((((b3 - b4) * xf + b4) - bb) * yf + bb);  
        } else {
            // outside image
        // step to next sample
        x += nx;
        y += ny;
    return values;




function convertToMean(values) {
    var i = 0, v;
    const results = [];
    results._max = 0;
    while (i < values.length) {
        results.push(v = (values[i++] * 0.299 + values[i++] * 0.587 + values[i++] * 0.114) ** (1/2.2));
        results._max = Math.max(v, results._max);
    return results;







const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const ctx1 = canvas1.getContext("2d");
const SCALE_IMAGE = 0.5;
const PLOT_WIDTH = 500;
const PLOT_HEIGHT = 150;
canvas1.width = PLOT_WIDTH;
canvas1.height = PLOT_HEIGHT;
const line = {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2:0, canUse: false, haveData: false, data: undefined};
var bounds, bounds1, imgData;
// ix iy image coords, px, py plot coords
const mouse  = {ix: 0, iy: 0, overImage: false, px: 0, py:0, overPlot: false, button : false, dragging: 0};
["down","up","move"].forEach(name => document.addEventListener("mouse" + name, mouseEvents));
const img = new Image;
img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
img.src = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Black_and_yellow_garden_spider%2C_Washington_DC.jpg/800px-Black_and_yellow_garden_spider%2C_Washington_DC.jpg";
img.addEventListener("load",() => {
    canvas.width = img.width;
    canvas.height = img.height;
    imgData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    canvas.width = img.width * SCALE_IMAGE;
    canvas.height = img.height * SCALE_IMAGE;
    bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
    bounds1 = canvas1.getBoundingClientRect();
},{once: true});

function getProfile(imgData, x1, y1, x2, y2, sampleRate) {
    x1 *= 1 / SCALE_IMAGE;
    y1 *= 1 / SCALE_IMAGE;
    x2 *= 1 / SCALE_IMAGE;
    y2 *= 1 / SCALE_IMAGE;
    const dx = x2 - x1;
    const dy = y2 - y1;
    const samples = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** 0.5 * Math.abs(sampleRate) + 1 | 0;
    const nx = dx / samples;
    const ny = dy / samples;
    const w = imgData.width;
    const h = imgData.height;
    const pixels = imgData.data;
    const values = [];
    var x = x1 + 0.5;
    var y = y1 + 0.5;
    var i = samples;
    while (i--) {
        if (x >= 0 && x < w - 1 && y >= 0 && y < h - 1) {
            // get 4 closest pixel indexs
            const idxA = ((x | 0) + (y | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxB = ((x + 1 | 0) + (y | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxC = ((x + 1 | 0) + (y + 1 | 0) * w) * 4;
            const idxD = ((x | 0) + (y + 1 | 0) * w) * 4;

            // Get channel data using sRGB approximation
            const r1 = pixels[idxA] ** 2.2;
            const r2 = pixels[idxB] ** 2.2;
            const r3 = pixels[idxC] ** 2.2;
            const r4 = pixels[idxD] ** 2.2;

            const g1 = pixels[idxA + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g2 = pixels[idxB + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g3 = pixels[idxC + 1] ** 2.2;
            const g4 = pixels[idxD + 1] ** 2.2;

            const b1 = pixels[idxA + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b2 = pixels[idxB + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b3 = pixels[idxC + 2] ** 2.2;
            const b4 = pixels[idxD + 2] ** 2.2;

            // find value at location via linear interpolation
            const xf = x % 1;
            const yf = y % 1;

            const rr = (r2 - r1) * xf + r1;
            const gg = (g2 - g1) * xf + g1;       
            const bb = (b2 - b1) * xf + b1;       

            /// store channels as uncompressed sRGB
            values.push((((r3 - r4) * xf + r4) - rr) * yf + rr);
            values.push((((g3 - g4) * xf + g4) - gg) * yf + gg);
            values.push((((b3 - b4) * xf + b4) - bb) * yf + bb);  
        } else {
            // outside image
        x += nx;
        y += ny;
    values._nx = nx;
    values._ny = ny;
    values._x = x1;
    values._y = y1;
    return values;
function convertToMean(values) {
    var i = 0, max = 0, v;
    const results = [];
    while (i < values.length) {
        results.push(v = (values[i++] * 0.299 + values[i++] * 0.587 + values[i++] * 0.114) ** (1/2.2));
        max = Math.max(v, max);
    results._max = max;
    results._nx = values._nx;
    results._ny = values._ny;
    results._x = values._x;
    results._y = values._y;    
    return results;
function plotValues(ctx, values) {
    const count = values.length;
    const scaleX = ctx.canvas.width / count;
    // not using max in example
    // const scaleY = (ctx.canvas.height-3) / values._max;
    const scaleY = (ctx.canvas.height-3) / 255;
    ctx1.clearRect(0,0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    var i = 0;
    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    while (i < count) {
        const y = ctx.canvas.height - values[i] * scaleY + 1;
        ctx.lineTo(i++ * scaleX, y);
    if (!mouse.button && mouse.overPlot) {
        ctx.fillStyle = "#f008";
        ctx.fillRect(mouse.px, 0, 1, ctx.canvas.height);
        const val = values[mouse.px / scaleX | 0];
        info.textContent = "Value: " + (val !== undefined ? val.toFixed(2) : "");

function update() {
    ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width * SCALE_IMAGE, img.height * SCALE_IMAGE);
    var atSample = 0;
    if (!mouse.button) {
        if (line.canUse) {
            if (line.haveData && mouse.overPlot) {
                const count = line.data.length;
                const scaleX = ctx1.canvas.width / count            
                atSample = mouse.px / scaleX;
    if (mouse.button) {
       if (mouse.dragging === 1) { // dragging line
          line.x2 = mouse.ix;
          line.y2 = mouse.iy;
          line.canUse = true;
          line.haveData = false;
       } else if(mouse.overImage) {
           mouse.dragging = 1;
           line.x1 = mouse.ix;
           line.y1 = mouse.iy;
           line.canUse = false;
           line.haveData = false;
           canvas.style.cursor = "none";
    } else {
       mouse.dragging = 0;
       canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
    if (line.canUse) {
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#F00";
        ctx.strokeWidth = 2;
        ctx.lineTo(line.x1, line.y1);
        ctx.lineTo(line.x2, line.y2);
        if (atSample) {
            ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0";
                (line.data._x + line.data._nx * atSample) * SCALE_IMAGE,
                (line.data._y + line.data._ny * atSample) * SCALE_IMAGE,
                line.data[atSample | 0] / 32,
                0, Math.PI * 2
        if (!line.haveData) {
            const vals = getProfile(imgData, line.x1, line.y1, line.x2, line.y2, 1);
            line.data = convertToMean(vals);
            line.haveData = true;
            plotValues(ctx1, line.data);
        } else {
            plotValues(ctx1, line.data);

function mouseEvents(e){
    if (bounds) {
        mouse.ix = e.pageX - bounds.left;
        mouse.iy = e.pageY - bounds.top;
        mouse.overImage = mouse.ix >= 0 && mouse.ix < bounds.width && mouse.iy >= 0 && mouse.iy < bounds.height;
        mouse.px = e.pageX - bounds1.left;
        mouse.py = e.pageY - bounds1.top;
        mouse.overPlot = mouse.px >= 0 && mouse.px < bounds1.width && mouse.py >= 0 && mouse.py < bounds1.height; 
    mouse.button = e.type === "mousedown" ? true : e.type === "mouseup" ? false : mouse.button;
canvas {
    border: 2px solid black;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div id="info">Click drag line over image</div>
<canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>

图片来源:https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=93680693,作者:BethGuay-自己的作品,CC BY-SA 4.0,