
时间:2020-08-24 22:19:23

标签: python pandas dataframe


Date        Change 
2010-08-25    0.08
2010-08-26   -0.22
2010-08-27    0.04
2010-08-30   -0.08
2010-08-31   -0.11
...            ...
2020-08-18    0.96
2020-08-19   -1.79
2020-08-20    5.04
2020-08-21   -0.84
2020-08-24   -1.10


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd

data = '''Date        Change 
2010-08-25    0.08
2010-08-26   -0.22
2010-08-27    0.04
2010-08-30   -0.08
2010-08-31   -0.11
2020-08-18    0.96
2020-08-19   -1.79
2020-08-20    5.04
2020-08-21   -0.84
2020-08-24   -1.10

# create data frame
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep='\s+', 
                 engine='python', parse_dates=['Date'], 

# make a variable to segment positive vs negative changes
df['is_positive'] = (df['Change'] >= 0).astype(int)

# make a variable for the year
df['year'] = df.index.year

# groupby to calculate mean for each (year, is_positive)
# transform() returns same number of rows as original data
# (for illustration purposes)
df['mean_change'] = df.groupby(['year', 'is_positive'])['Change'].transform('mean')

# sort and print
df = df.sort_values(['year', 'is_positive', 'Change'])

            Change  is_positive  year  mean_change
2010-08-26   -0.22            0  2010    -0.136667
2010-08-31   -0.11            0  2010    -0.136667
2010-08-30   -0.08            0  2010    -0.136667
2010-08-27    0.04            1  2010     0.060000
2010-08-25    0.08            1  2010     0.060000
2020-08-19   -1.79            0  2020    -1.243333
2020-08-24   -1.10            0  2020    -1.243333
2020-08-21   -0.84            0  2020    -1.243333
2020-08-18    0.96            1  2020     3.000000
2020-08-20    5.04            1  2020     3.000000