
时间:2020-08-14 07:30:20

标签: excel vba


调试器指向NameVar = .Range(.Cells(FirstWord.row + 1, FirstWord.Column), .Cells(SecondWord.row - 2, FirstWord.Column + 9)).Value2,说“类型不匹配”。

我正在尝试将单元格值存储到变量NameVar中。然后,我尝试根据选择的语言添加“件数” =“件数”的版本。这样它将是NameVar pcs在另一个变量NameVarResult中。最后,只需将变量结果传递到另一个工作表上的另一个单元格即可。


Private Sub copyToTable(SectionName As Variant, SearchWordOne As String, SearchWordTwo As String, RowToPaste As Integer, OperatingWorksheet As Worksheet)

    'On Error Resume Next

    Dim FirstWord, SecondWord
    Dim NameVar As String, NameVarResult As String
    Dim AmountVar As String, AmountVarResult As String
    Dim PriceVar As String, PriceVarResult As String
    Set FirstWord = OperatingWorksheet.Range("C:C").Find(SectionName & " - " & SearchWordOne, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
    Set SecondWord = OperatingWorksheet.Range("C:C").Find(SectionName & " - " & SearchWordTwo, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
    With OperatingWorksheet
        If Not FirstWord Is Nothing Then
            ' Copy - Paste name
            NameVar = .Range(.Cells(FirstWord.row + 1, FirstWord.Column), .Cells(SecondWord.row - 2, FirstWord.Column + 9)).Value2
            If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "English" Then
                NameVarResult = NameVar & " " & "pc(s)"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("B" & RowToPaste).Value = NameVarResult
            ElseIf ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "German" Then
                NameVarResult = NameVar & " " & "Stck"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("B" & RowToPaste).Value = NameVarResult
                NameVarResult = NameVar & " " & "st"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("B" & RowToPaste).Value = NameVarResult
            End If
            ' Copy - Paste amount
            AmountVar = .Range(.Cells(FirstWord.row + 1, FirstWord.Column + 10), .Cells(SecondWord.row - 2, FirstWord.Column + 10)).Value
            If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "English" Then
                AmountVarResult = AmountVar & " " & "pc(s)"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("C" & RowToPaste).Value = AmountVarResult
            ElseIf ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "German" Then
                AmountVarResult = AmountVar & " " & "Stck"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("C" & RowToPaste).Value = AmountVarResult
                AmountVarResult = AmountVar & " " & "st"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("C" & RowToPaste).Value = AmountVarResult
            End If
            ' Copy - Paste price
            PriceVar = .Range(.Cells(FirstWord.row + 1, FirstWord.Column + 17), .Cells(SecondWord.row - 2, FirstWord.Column + 17)).Value
            If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "English" Then
                PriceVarResult = PriceVar & " " & "pc(s)"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("E" & RowToPaste).Value = PriceVarResult
            ElseIf ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("OtherData").Range("K80").Value = "German" Then
                PriceVarResult = PriceVar & " " & "Stck"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("E" & RowToPaste).Value = PriceVarResult
                PriceVarResult = PriceVar & " " & "st"
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TableForOL").Range("E" & RowToPaste).Value = PriceVarResult
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Sub

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