
时间:2020-07-31 19:06:14

标签: python pandas dataframe multi-index



# Create list of names for unwanted columns.
lst = [col for col in df.columns if 'ISTD' in col]
# Returns empty.

# Drop columns from dataframe.
df.drop(labels = lst, axis=1, level=0, inplace=True)



MultiIndex([('115  In ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            ('115  In ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            (         '137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (         '137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (         '137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            ('159  Tb ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            ('159  Tb ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            ('175  Lu ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            ('175  Lu ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            (         '208  Pb  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (         '208  Pb  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (         '208  Pb  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '23  Na  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '23  Na  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '23  Na  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '24  Mg  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '24  Mg  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '24  Mg  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '27  Al  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '27  Al  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '27  Al  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (           '39  K  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (           '39  K  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (           '39  K  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '44  Ca  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '44  Ca  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '44  Ca  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            ( '45  Sc ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            ( '45  Sc ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            (          '52  Cr  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '52  Cr  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '52  Cr  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '55  Mn  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '55  Mn  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '55  Mn  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '56  Fe  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '56  Fe  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '56  Fe  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '60  Ni  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '60  Ni  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '60  Ni  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '63  Cu  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '63  Cu  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '63  Cu  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '66  Zn  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '66  Zn  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '66  Zn  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (  '7  Li ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            (  '7  Li ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            ( '72  Ge ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',                 'CPS'),
            ( '72  Ge ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',             'CPS RSD'),
            (          '75  As  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '75  As  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '75  As  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '78  Se  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '78  Se  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '78  Se  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '82  Se  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '82  Se  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '82  Se  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '95  Mo  [ He Gas ] ',           'Conc. RSD'),
            (          '95  Mo  [ He Gas ] ',       'Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (          '95  Mo  [ He Gas ] ', 'Meas. Conc. [ ppb ]'),
            (                       'Sample',      'Acq. Date-Time'),
            (                       'Sample',             'Comment'),
            (                       'Sample',           'Data File'),
            (                       'Sample',               'Level'),
            (                       'Sample',                'Rjct'),
            (                       'Sample',         'Sample Name'),
            (                       'Sample',          'Total Dil.'),
            (                       'Sample',                'Type'),
            (                       'Sample',  'Unnamed: 0_level_1'),
            (                       'Sample',         'Vial Number')]


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



cols = [(first, second) for first, second in df.columns if 'ISTD' in second]
df.drop(cols, axis=1, level=1)

这只会在第二层(从df.columns中获得的元组的第二个值)中寻找“ ISTD”。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


lst = [col for col in df.columns if 'ISTD' in col[0]]
df = df.drop(lst, axis=1)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您无需创建列表,使用“ usecols”读取文件时也无法读取列

data = pd.read_excel(directory, usecols = lambda x: False if "unwanted_string" in x else True)


#Read in the column names as a list:
cols = pd.read_excel(directory, header=None, nrows=1, index_col = 0).values[0]
cols = cols.tolist()

#remove the elements that contain the unwanted string
for item in cols:
    if "string" in str(item):

#then assign cols list as columns of the dataframe:
data.columns = cols

答案 3 :(得分:0)


midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
        ('115  In ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',           'CPS'),
        ('115  In ( ISTD )  [ He Gas ] ',       'CPS RSD'),
        (         '137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ',     'Conc. RSD'),
        (         '137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ', 'Conc. [ ppb ]'),


mask = np.array(['ISTD' in idx for idx in midx.get_level_values(0)])
midx[ ~ mask ]

MultiIndex([('137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ',     'Conc. RSD'),
            ('137  Ba  [ He Gas ] ', 'Conc. [ ppb ]')],