在tensorflow.js中输出LSTM RNN的隐藏状态

时间:2020-07-10 10:52:11

标签: javascript tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network tensorflow.js




同一文件// (...) const model = tf.sequential(); for (let i = 0; i < lstmLayerSizes.length; ++i) { const lstmLayerSize = lstmLayerSizes[i]; model.add(tf.layers.lstm({ units: lstmLayerSize, returnSequences: i < lstmLayerSizes.length - 1, inputShape: i === 0 ? [sampleLen, charSetSize] : undefined })); } model.add( tf.layers.dense({units: charSetSize, activation: 'softmax'})); // (...) 的自定义行。


据我了解,我需要在lstm层选项中添加// (...) // This replaces `inputShape` of the first LSTM layer const inputs = tf.input({ shape: [sampleLen, charSetSize] }); let outputs = inputs; for (let i = 0; i < lstmLayerSizes.length; ++i) { const lstmLayerSize = lstmLayerSizes[i]; const layer = tf.layers.lstm({ units: lstmLayerSize, returnSequences: i < lstmLayerSizes.length - 1, }); outputs = layer.apply(outputs); } outputs = tf.layers .dense({ units: charSetSize, activation: 'softmax' }) .apply(outputs); const model = tf.model({ inputs, outputs }); // (...) 才能实现目标。

returnState: true

但是,这不适用于最后一个模型层,因为它仅期望一个输入张量,但是将// (...) // Inside of the for loop const layer = tf.layers.lstm({ units: lstmLayerSize, returnState: true, // <-- Here returnSequences: i < lstmLayerSizes.length - 1, }); // (...) 设置为returnState会将lstm层更改为输出3个张量true。 / p>

我不确定如何实现为[output, hiddenState, cellState] softmax保留密集层并仍然打印隐藏状态的目标。

我不清楚的另一件事是,在训练模型时,我可能还需要调整expects target data as second argument yactivation方法的输出。


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