
时间:2020-06-28 19:02:28

标签: c# replace


string coordinates = @"=ZS123, ZS1234 + 36 + Z(56)S45 + 0";


Regex regexPattern1 = new Regex(@"(Z.*?S(?:\([^)]+\))?(?:\d+)?)");
string coordinates = @"=ZS123, ZS1234 + 36 + Z(56)S45 + 0";
MatchCollection matchCollection = regexPattern1.Matches(coordinates);
//Piece by piece the coordinates are replaced by other strings, after a calculation has been done with the matched string
foreach (Match match in matchCollection)
    if (match.Value.StartsWith("ZS("))
        string cellIndex =  XY //output 
        coordinates = coordinates.Replace(match.Value, cellIndex);

        //the Match should be replaced with the calculated value(cellindex)
        //but of course this leads to a problem by doing it this way
        // my coordinates string would be now
        //coordinates = XY, XY4 + 36 + Z(56)S45 + 0";
        //it should be:
        //coordinates = XY, ZS1234 + 36 + Z(56)S45 + 0";
        //how to replace the exact match at the right spot once?
    else if (match.Value.StartsWith("Z(") && match.Value.Contains("S("))
        string cellIndex = //output 
        coordinates = coordinates.Replace(match.Value, cellIndex);

   //////else if()


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Regex regEx = new Regex(@"(Z.*?S(?:\([^)]+\))?(?:\d+)?)");
string coordinates = @"=ZS123, ZS1234 + 36 + Z(56)S45 + 0";

string output = regEx.Replace(coordinates, delegate (Match m)
    string cellIndex = m.Value;
    if (m.Value.StartsWith("ZS("))
        cellIndex = "Something";
    else if (m.Value.StartsWith("Z(") && m.Value.Contains("S("))
        cellIndex = "Something else";
    // etc.

    return cellIndex;


Z.*?S部分将匹配“ Z”和“ S”之间的任意数量的字符(任何字符)。因此,它将匹配“ ZA1 @ S”之类的内容。这也是负责在您的第三次预期匹配中匹配“ Z(56)S”的部分,此处的(?:\([^)]+\))?部分与此无关。如果您的初衷是只允许在“ Z”和“ S”之间加上括号,那么您可能应该使用类似以下的内容:


另一个注意事项是,您可能希望查看自己的if条件,因为根据您的预期匹配条件,这些条件实际上并没有意义。 即,所有匹配项均不以“ ZS(”开头,或均以“ Z(”开头且包含“ S(”。)