Canvas上的getImageData在所有像素上给出“ 0”

时间:2020-06-27 09:39:39

标签: canvas html5-canvas getimagedata

我正在使用视频流,然后从视频流中获取一个片段作为图像放置在随该流而变化的画布中。 但是,当我尝试获取该画布的ImageData时,它的值是“ 0”。


var EYEElement = document.getElementById("eyes");
const ctx = EYEElement.getContext("2d");
const ImageData = ctx.getImageData(70, 0, 70, 25);


EyeTracking = async () => {
    //initialize the webcam stream
    const video = $('#webcam')[0];

    //initilization of the clmTracker
    const ctrack = new clm.tracker();

    async function trackingLoop() {
        // Check if a face is detected, and if so, track it.

        let currentPosition = ctrack.getCurrentPosition();
        overlayCC.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 300);

        if (currentPosition) {
            // Draw facial mask on overlay canvas:

            // Get the eyes rectangle and draw it in red:
            const eyesRect = getEyesRectangle(currentPosition);
            overlayCC.strokeStyle = 'red';
            overlayCC.strokeRect(eyesRect[0], eyesRect[1], eyesRect[2], eyesRect[3]);

            // The video might internally have a different size, so we need these
            // factors to rescale the eyes rectangle before cropping:
            const resizeFactorX = video.videoWidth / video.width;
            const resizeFactorY = video.videoHeight / video.height;

            // Crop the eyes from the video and paste them in the eyes canvas:
            const eyesCanvas = $('#eyes')[0];
            const eyesCC = eyesCanvas.getContext('2d');
            await eyesCC.drawImage(
                eyesRect[0] * resizeFactorX, eyesRect[1] * resizeFactorY,
                eyesRect[2] * resizeFactorX, eyesRect[3] * resizeFactorY,
                0, 0, eyesCanvas.width, eyesCanvas.height
            console.log(eyesCC.getImageData(70, 0, eyesCanvas.width, eyesCanvas.height));

    //canvas overlay work
    const overlay = $('#overlay')[0];
    const overlayCC = overlay.getContext('2d');
    //function to apply the stream to video element of html
    function onStreaming(stream) {
        //start video stream
        video.srcObject = stream;
        //start tracking stream using clmtrackr 
        //add a loop of green color around the face
    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true }).then(onStreaming);
    document.onmousemove = mouse.handleMouseMove;


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