我想为 Count_Orders 和 Count_Sessions 创建数据透视表。但是,使用当前代码,一旦我尝试添加** Count_Sessions“,我就只能对 Count_Orders 进行计算,但会出现以下错误:
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
Month Country Count_Orders Count_Sessions
2019-01 UK 100 40
2019-01 US 230 60
Month US_Orders US_Sessions UK_Orders US_Sessions Share_Orders Share_Sessions
2019-01 100 230 40 60 0.43 0.66
df_pivot = pd.pivot_table(appended_df, index=['Month'], columns='Country', values='Count_Orders') #Pivoting on required columns
df_flattened = pd.DataFrame(df_pivot.to_records()) #Flatten the pivot table to get a datafrmae
df_flattened['Share'] = df_flattened['UK']/df_flattened['US'] #Creating the ratio column