我发现在spacy-transformer模型上调用nlp.update时无法观察到任何学习的效果。我已经尝试过使用en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg,如下所示,并使用en_trf_distilbertbaseuncased_lg模型没有运气。我可以通过spacy TextCategorizer和LSTM示例进行文本分类。
因此,我想问一下我如何做才能修改以下代码,以在为该测试语句调用doc.cats时使“ THE_POSITIVE_LABEL”的得分小于1.0。它当前运行无错误,但总返回1.0。在运行适当的训练集并观看相同的P,R,F分数后,我尝试了该示例,该损失值仅在每次评估时都跳了一下。经过更正的版本可以用作对该功能的简单测试。
import spacy
from collections import Counter
nlp = spacy.load('en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg')
textcat = nlp.create_pipe(
"architecture": "softmax_class_vector", # have also tried "softmax_last_hidden" with "words_per_batch" like in one of the examples
'token_vector_width': 768 # added as otherwise it complains about textcat config not having 'token_vector_width'
nlp.add_pipe(textcat, last=True)
nlp.begin_training() # added as otherwise it says trf_textcat has no model when we call doc.cats
print(nlp("an example of a document that does not match the label").cats)
#{'THE_POSITIVE_LABEL': 1.0} is printed
optimizer = nlp.resume_training()
optimizer.alpha = 0.001
optimizer.trf_weight_decay = 0.005
optimizer.L2 = 0.0
optimizer.trf_lr = 2e-5
losses = Counter()
texts = ['an example of a document that does not match the label',]
annotations = [{'THE_POSITIVE_LABEL': 0.},]
nlp.update(texts, annotations, sgd=optimizer, drop=0.1, losses=losses)
print(nlp("an example of a document that does not match the label").cats)
#{'THE_POSITIVE_LABEL': 1.0} is again printed