将时间字符串(“ hours:minute”)转换为日期对象

时间:2020-06-10 14:54:09

标签: javascript date time ember.js

此处是带有小时和分钟的时间字符串(例如“ 03:37”)。我想更新那个时间的日期对象并在ember JS中创建日期对象。帮帮我时间流逝了24小时。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


const today = new Date();

const timeString = "03:37";

// Use the substring() function to extract hours and minutes
const hours = timeString.substring(0,2);
const minutes = timeString.substring(3,5);

// Use the setHours() function to assign hours and minutes
// to the "today" date object
const modifiedDate = new Date(today.setHours(hours, minutes));
