import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import time
import random
@commands.command(aliases=["RandomChocolate", "choco"])
@commands.cooldown(1, 15, commands.BucketType.user)
async def chocolate(self, ctx):
food=["hershey", "kitkat", "milk"]
rF = random.choice(food)
rFC = rF[:1]
rFL = rF[-1]
await ctx.send(f"**Hint:** It starts with **{rFC}**
and ends with **{rFL}**, you have 15 seconds to answer
by the way.")
if ctx.message.content == rF:
await ctx.send("Ok")
await ctx.send(f"Too Late!")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以使用await bot.wait_for('message')
参数,我们还可以指定有关我们正在等待的消息的详细信息。我正在重用this other answer中的message_check
class MyCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
@commands.command(aliases=["RandomChocolate", "choco"])
@commands.cooldown(1, 15, commands.BucketType.user)
async def chocolate(self, ctx):
food=["hershey", "kitkat", "milk"]
rF = random.choice(food)
rFC = rF[:1]
rFL = rF[-1]
await ctx.send(f"**Hint:** It starts with **{rFC}**
and ends with **{rFL}**, you have 15 seconds to answer
by the way.")
response = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=15, check=message_check(channel=ctx.channel, author=ctx.author, content=rF))
await ctx.send("OK")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Too Late!")
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import asyncio
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import time
import random
chocolate_users = {}
@commands.command(aliases=["RandomChocolate", "choco"])
@commands.cooldown(1, 15, commands.BucketType.user)
async def chocolate(self, ctx):
food = ["hershey", "kitkat", "milk"]
rF = random.choice(food)
rFC = rF[:1]
rFL = rF[-1]
await ctx.send(f"**Hint:** It starts with **{rFC}** and ends with **{rFL}**, you have 15 seconds to answer by the way.")
chocolate_users[ctx.message.author.id] = [rF, time.time()+15]
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.id in chocolate_users.keys(): # check if the user started a guess, otherwise do nothing
data = chocolate_users[message.author.id]
if time.time() > data[1]:
await message.channel.send('You exceeded the 15 second time limit, sorry.')
del chocolate_users[message.author.id]
elif message.content.lower() != data[0]:
await message.channel.send('Sorry, that is wrong. Please try again.')
await message.channel.send('Great job, that is correct!')
## other stuff to happen when you get it right ##
del chocolate_users[message.author.id]