在此漫游器上,用户可以抢钱。我遇到的问题是,如果一个用户在发送的一条消息中标记了多个用户,则漫游器会响应每个被标记的人。只要标记了多个用户,用户就可以绕过if get_robbery(message.author) >= 20:
编辑:更改了代码以反映更改。将for user in message.content
更改为user = message.mentions[0]
if message.content.startswith('!rob'):
if message.author.id in blacklist:
await client.send_message(message.channel, "You are blacklisted for breaking the rules {}".format(message.author.mention))
if get_robbery(message.author) >= 20:
await client.send_message(message.channel, "You can only rob 20 times every 30 minutes {}".format(message.author.mention))
if message.author == user:
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} you can't rob yourself dummy".format(message.author.mention))
if get_dollars(message.author) < 0:
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} you can't even afford a gun <:papi:523340666269335552>".format(message.author.mention))
user = message.mentions[0]
if (get_dollars(user)) < 1:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} is too broke to rob ".format(user.mention))
user = message.mentions[0]
if (get_city(user)) != get_city(message.author):
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} you can't rob {} because they are in **{}** ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, get_city(user)))
if steal >= 3:
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(user, stealdollars)
add_dollars(message.author, stealdollars)
add_dollars_stolen(message.author, stealdollars)
print("{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(user, stealdollars)
add_dollars(message.author, stealdollars)
add_dollars_stolen(message.author, stealdollars)
print("{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(user, stealdollars)
add_dollars(message.author, stealdollars)
add_dollars_stolen(message.author, stealdollars)
print("{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(user, stealdollarsx3)
add_dollars(message.author, stealdollarsx3)
add_dollars_stolen(message.author, stealdollarsx3)
print("{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollarsx3))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} catches {} slippin and sticks them up for ${} <:BangBang:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealdollarsx3))
elif steal == 2:
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, stealrdollars)
print("{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, stealrdollars)
print("{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, stealrdollars)
print("{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollars))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, stealrdollarsx2)
print("{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollarsx2))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} gets arrested trying to rob {} and has to post ${} bail ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, stealrdollarsx2))
elif steal == 0:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
print("{} kicks {}'s door down but doesn't find any cash ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} kicks {}'s door down but doesn't find any cash ".format(message.author.mention, user.mention))
elif steal == 1:
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, robbeddollars)
add_dollars(user, robbeddollars)
add_dollars_stolen(user, robbeddollars)
remove_grams(message.author, robbedgrams)
add_grams(user, robbedgrams)
add_grams_stolen(user, robbedgrams)
print("{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams <:BangBang:523383990825123840> <:datboi:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) < 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, robbeddollars)
add_dollars(user, robbeddollars)
add_dollars_stolen(user, robbeddollars)
remove_grams(message.author, robbedgrams)
add_grams(user, robbedgrams)
add_grams_stolen(user, robbedgrams)
print("{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams <:BangBang:523383990825123840> <:datboi:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
if get_dollars(message.author) < 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, robbeddollars)
add_dollars(user, robbeddollars)
add_dollars_stolen(user, robbeddollars)
remove_grams(message.author, robbedgrams)
add_grams(user, robbedgrams)
add_grams_stolen(user, robbedgrams)
print("{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams <:BangBang:523383990825123840> <:datboi:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollars, robbedgrams))
if get_dollars(message.author) >= 20000 and (get_dollars(user)) >= 20000:
add_robbery(message.author, 1)
remove_dollars(message.author, robbeddollarsx2)
add_dollars(user, robbeddollarsx2)
add_dollars_stolen(user, robbeddollarsx2)
remove_grams(message.author, robbedgrams)
add_grams(user, robbedgrams)
add_grams_stolen(user, robbedgrams)
print("{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollarsx2, robbedgrams))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "{} kicks {}'s door down but is met with {}'s glock in their face and robbed of ${} and {} grams <:BangBang:523383990825123840> <:datboi:523383990825123840>".format(message.author.mention, user.mention, user.mention, robbeddollarsx2, robbedgrams))