# Create two polygons of equal size area
pol_A = st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0,0), c(1,1), c(0,1), c(0,0))))
polys = st_sfc(pol_A, pol_A + c(-0.97, .05)) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(poly_ID = c("A","B"))
# Create a grid as an sfc and add ID for each cell
gr <- st_make_grid(polys, cellsize = .1, square = T) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(cell_ID = row_number())
# Plot the grid and polys
plot(polys,add=T, col = "red")
# Generate the intersection
i <- st_intersection(gr, polys) %>%
mutate(x = st_union(x),
area_in_cell = st_area(x))
Simple feature collection with 142 features and 3 fields
geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: -0.97 ymin: 0 xmax: 1 ymax: 1.05
epsg (SRID): NA
proj4string: NA
First 10 features:
cell_ID poly_ID x area_in_cell
1 10 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
2 11 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
3 30 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
4 31 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
5 32 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
6 50 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
7 51 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
8 52 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
9 53 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
10 70 A MULTIPOLYGON (((0 1, 0.03 1... 1
overlap_count <- i %>% group_by(cell_ID) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% arrange(desc(count))
Simple feature collection with 139 features and 2 fields
geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: -0.97 ymin: 0 xmax: 1 ymax: 1.05
epsg (SRID): NA
proj4string: NA
# A tibble: 139 x 3
cell_ID count x
<int> <int> <MULTIPOLYGON>
1 190 2 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
2 210 2 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
3 211 2 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
4 1 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
5 10 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
6 11 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
7 21 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
8 22 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
9 30 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
10 31 1 (((0 1, 0.03 1, 0.13 1, 0.23 1, 0.33 1, 0.43 1, 0.53 1, 0.63 1, 0.73 1, 0.83 1, 0.93...
答案 0 :(得分:1)
st_intersection(gr,polys) %>%
group_by(cell_ID) %>%
summarise(geom = st_union(x)) %>%
mutate(geom = st_sfc(geom),
area = st_area(geom))