Discord js检查反应用户角色

时间:2020-04-22 21:58:32

标签: javascript node.js discord discord.js

我正在尝试通过响应按钮来关闭票证。但是必须由“支持”角色来做出反应。我做不到。 reaction.message.member.roles。目前还没有帮助我。这是我的代码;

client.on("messageReactionAdd", (reaction, user) => {
  if(reaction.message.member.roles.has('ROLE')) {
  let id = user.id.toString().substr(0, 4) + user.discriminator;
  let chan = `ticket-${id}`;

  const supchan = reaction.message.guild.channels.find(
    (channel) => channel.name === chan
  const chan_id = supchan ? supchan.id : null;

  if (
    reaction.emoji.name === "?" &&
    !user.bot &&
    user.id != "ID"
  ) {

    const channel = client.channels.find("name", chan);
    const delMsg = new Discord.RichEmbed()
      .setDescription(`:boom: Ticket will be deleted in 5 seconds.`);

    channel.send(delMsg).then(() => {
      var counter = 0;

      const intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
        if (counter == 5) {
          const message = reaction.message;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// Replace "message_id" with the proper message id
// Checks if it's the correct message
if (reaction.message.id == "message_id") {

     // Check if author of ticket message is from the same user who reacted
     if (reaction.message.author == user) {

          // Check correct emoji
          if (reaction.emoji.name == "?") {
               // Code to close ticket



编辑: 同样,它将包装在messageReactionAdd事件中:

// Try to get the ticket message
// If there's none then the user was never opened a ticket so we simply return the code
const ticketMessage = client.tickets.get(user);
if (!ticketMessage) return;

// Checks if it's the correct message
if (reaction.message.id == ticketMessage.id) {

     // Check correct emoji
     if (reaction.emoji.name == "?") {
         // Code to close ticket

