
时间:2020-04-19 13:49:38

标签: r neural-network perceptron


我创建了一些具有非常简单的线性决策边界的人工测试数据,并将其分为训练集和测试集。然后,我对训练数据进行了逻辑回归,并从测试集中检查了预测结果,并获得了+ 99%的准确率,考虑到数据的简单性质,这​​是可以预期的。然后,我尝试使用2个输入,1个神经元,1000次迭代,0.1的学习率和S形激活函数来实现感知器。


### Reproducible Example for StackOverflow

#### Setup

# loading libraries

#remove scientifc notation
options(scipen = 999)

# setting seed for random number generation
seed <- 123

#### Selfmade Test Data

# input points
x1 <- runif(10000,-100,100)
x2 <- runif(10000,-100,100)

# setting decision boundary to create output
output <- vector()
output[0.5*x1 + -1.2*x2 >= 50] <- 0
output[0.5*x1 + -1.2*x2 < 50] <- 1

# combining to dataframe
points <- cbind.data.frame(x1,x2,output)

# plotting all data points
plot(points$x1,points$x2, col = as.factor(points$output), main = "Self-created data", xlab = "x1",ylab = "x2")

# split into test and training sets
trainsize = 0.2
train_rows <- sample(1:dim(points)[1], size = trainsize * dim(points)[1])
train <- points[train_rows,]
test <- points[-c(train_rows),]

# plotting training set only
plot(train$x1,train$x2, col = as.factor(train$output), main = "Self-created data (training set)", xlab = "x1",ylab = "x2")

#### Approaching the problem with logistic regression

# building model
train_logit <- glm(output ~ x1 + x2, data = train, family = "binomial", maxit = 10000)

# testing performance in training set
table(round(train_logit$fitted.values) == train$output)

# testing performance of train_logit model in test set
table(test$output == round(predict(train_logit,test[,c(1,2)], type = "response")))

# We get 100% accuracy in the training set and near 100% accuracy in the test set

#### Approaching Problem with a Perceptron from scratch

# setting inputs, outputs and weights
inputs <- as.matrix(train[,c(1,2)])
output <- as.matrix(train[,3])
weights <- as.matrix(runif(dim(inputs)[2],-1,1))

## Defining activation function + derivative

# defining sigmoid and it's derivative
sigmoid <- function(x) {1 / (1 + exp(-x))}
sig_dir <- function(x){sigmoid(x)*(1 - sigmoid(x))}

## Perceptron nitial Settings
bias <- 1

# number of iterations
iterations <- 1000

# setting learning rate
alpha <- 0.1

## Perceptron

# creating vectors for saving results per iteration
weights_list <- list()
weights_list[[1]] <- weights
errors_vec <- vector()
outputs_vec <- vector()

# saving results across iterations
weights_list_all <- list()
outputs_list <- list()
errors_list <- list()

# looping through the backpropagation algorithm "iteration" # times
for (j in 1:iterations) {

  # Loop for backpropagation with updating weights after every datapoint
  for (i in 1:dim(train)[1]) {

    # taking the weights from the last iteration of the outer loop as a starting point
    if (j > 1) {

      weights_list[[1]] <- weights


    # Feed Forward (Should we really round this?!)
    output_pred <- round(sigmoid(sum(inputs[i,] * as.numeric(weights)) + bias))
    error <- output_pred - output[i]

    # Backpropagation (Do I need the sigmoid derivative AND a learning rate? Or should I only take one of them?)
    weight_adjustments <- inputs[i,] * (error * sig_dir(output_pred)) * alpha
    weights <- weights - weight_adjustments

    # saving progress for later plots
    weights_list[[i + 1]] <- weights
    errors_vec[i] <- error
    outputs_vec[[i]] <- output_pred


  # saving results for each iteration
  weights_list_all[[j]] <- weights_list
  outputs_list[[j]] <- outputs_vec
  errors_list[[j]] <- errors_vec


#### Formatting Diagnostics for easier plotting

# implementing empty list to transform weightslist
WeightList <- list()

# collapsing individual weightslist into datafames
for (i in 1:iterations) {

  WeightList[[i]] <- t(data.table::rbindlist(weights_list_all[i]))


# pasting dataframes together
WeightFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, WeightList)
colnames(WeightFrame) <- paste("w",1:dim(WeightFrame)[2], sep = "")

# pasting dataframes together
ErrorFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, errors_list)
OutputFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, outputs_list)

##### Plotting Results

# Development of Mean Error per iteration
     type = "l",
     xlab = "Sum of absolute Error terms")

# Development of Weights over time
plot(WeightFrame$w1, type = "l",xlim = c(1,dim(train)[1]), ylim = c(min(WeightFrame),max(WeightFrame)), ylab = "Weights", xlab = "Iterations")
lines(WeightFrame$w2, col = "green")
# lines(WeightFrame$w3, col = "blue")
# lines(WeightFrame$w4, col = "red")
# lines(WeightFrame$w5, col = "orange")
# lines(WeightFrame$w6, col = "cyan")
# lines(WeightFrame$w7, col = "magenta")

# Empty vector for number of correct categorizations per iteration
NoCorr <- vector()

# Computing percentage of correct predictions per iteration
colnames(OutputFrame) <- paste("V",1:dim(OutputFrame)[2], sep = "")
Output_mat <- as.matrix(OutputFrame)

for (i in 1:iterations) {

  NoCorr[i] <- sum(output == Output_mat[i,]) / nrow(train)


# plotting number of correct predictions per iteration
plot(NoCorr, type = "l")

# Performance in training set after last iteration

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



第三,希望您能解决您的问题:) 您已经对自己是否应该真正舍弃该output_pred进行了评论。是的,您应该..如果您想使用该output_pred进行预测!但是,如果您想将其用于学习,那通常是不好的!这样做的原因是,如果将其舍入进行学习,那么将输出与目标输出1从0.51舍入为1的结果将不会学到任何东西,因为该输出与目标相同,因此是完美的。但是,0.99的预测要比0.51好得多,因此肯定有一些东西要学习!
