通过R For循环创建数据帧

时间:2020-03-05 02:45:51

标签: r dataframe for-loop



# Defining some dummy variables for the sake of this example
dfTitles <- c("C2000.AMY", "C2000.ACC", "C2001.AMY", "C2001.ACC") 
Copes <- c("Cope1", "Cope2", "Cope3", "Cope4")
Voxels <- c(1:338)

# (Theoretically) creating a separate dataframe for each of the terms in 'dfTitles'   
for (i in dfTitles){
 i <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = 338, dimnames = list(Copes, Voxels)))

# Trying an alternative method
for (i in 1:length(dfTitles))
 {dfTitles[i] <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = 338, dimnames = list(Copes, Voxels)))}

这将导致在前者中创建一个名为“ i”的数据帧,在后者的情况下会创建一个由4组成的列表。有任何想法吗?谢谢!


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




# Defining some dummy variables for the sake of this example
dfTitles <- c("C2000.AMY", "C2000.ACC", "C2001.AMY", "C2001.ACC") 
Copes <- c("Cope1", "Cope2", "Cope3", "Cope4")
Voxels <- c(1:338)

# initialize a list to store the data.frame output
df_list <- list()
for (d in dfTitles) {
  # create data.frame with the dfTitle, and 1 row per Copes observation
  df <- data.frame(dfTitle = d,
                   Copes = Copes)
  # append columns for Voxels
  # setting to NA, can be reassigned later as needed
  for (v in Voxels) {
    df[[paste0("Voxel", v)]] <- NA
  # store df in the list as the 'd'th element
  df_list[[d]] <- df
  # or, assign the object to your environment
  # assign(d, df)
# data.frames can be referenced by name

答案 1 :(得分:0)

dfTitles <- c("C2000.AMY", "C2000.ACC", "C2001.AMY", "C2001.ACC") 
Copes <- c("Cope1", "Cope2", "Cope3", "Cope4")
Voxels <- c(1:3)

# (Theoretically) creating a separate dataframe for each of the terms in 'dfTitles'   
nr <- length(Voxels)
nc <- length(Copes)
N <- length(dfTitles) # Number of data frames, same as length of dfTitles

DF <- vector(N, mode="list")

for (i in 1:N){
  DF[[i]] <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(nr*nc), nrow = nr))
  dimnames(DF[[i]]) <- list(Voxels, Copes)

names(DF) <- dfTitles

       Cope1     Cope2      Cope3      Cope4
1 -0.8293164 -1.813807 -0.3290645 -0.7730110
2 -1.1965588  1.022871 -0.7764960 -0.3056280
3  0.2536782 -0.365232  2.3949076  0.5672671

       Cope1    Cope2      Cope3      Cope4
1 -0.7505513 1.023325 -0.3110537 -1.4298174
2  1.2807725 1.216997  1.0644983  1.6374749
3  1.0047408 1.385460  0.1527678  0.1576037