
时间:2020-02-28 14:53:03

标签: twilio chatbot whatsapp twilio-programmable-chat


我想写 CANCEL 并重定向到Main,我尝试了一个函数,但是对collect的验证不允许我将重定向从函数发送到Main Task。




exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var got = require('got');

var value = event.CurrentInput;

    let responseObject = {
        "actions": [
                "redirect": "task://greetings"
    callback(null, responseObject); 

后来我在Webhook中使用 onCollectAttempt 对其进行了调用,但它什么也没有发生,只是继续执行收集

Function Webhook

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


没有简便的方法,因为Collect函数的当前JSON bin不允许“取消”或“重置”,但是这是与动态变量一起使用的一种可能的解决方法Collect(您可以使用Twilio Function将其写入Node.js中,而不是将其写入Autopilot控制台的JSON bin中。

下面是: 1.我们需要的收集问题集(要涵盖单个功能的许多收集,我们还需要其他一些东西,例如从数据库中提取/动态传递它们) 2.我们可以使用静态字词检查的用例的Agent关键字,例如指示用户随时键入“ agent”以直接指向人类。

//code courtesy of Evangelos Resvanis, Senior Solutions Engineer at Twilio 
const questions = [
        "question": "You want to book appointment?",
        "name": "book"
        "question": "When do you need the appointment for?",
        "name": "appointment_date"
        "question": "And what time?",
        "name": "appointment_time"
const agent_keywords = ["agent", "i want to speak to agent", "let me talk to someone"];
var stringSimilarity = require('string-similarity');
const COLLECT_TASK = "collect_task";
/*************************** Main Function ********************/
This function generates the collect questions in steps. Each step we enter the function again and check the user input. We keep a counter to exit when 
the collect questions are exhausted.
Two main use cases examined (any use case can be built)
- We want to break the collect on specific user input/keywords e.g. "agent". We use string comparison (Use Case 1)
- We want to send the user input to the Queries API to see if they provided fields. We use the API to avoid the Collect validate, as we can't break the Collect
from there (Use Case 2)
Uncomment/comment each use case to examine the results.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
    let count;
    //If event.count is set, then we are at least in the first answer from the collect list
    if(event.count) {
        count = parseInt(event.count);
        //Use case 1
        /*var matches = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch(event.CurrentInput, agent_keywords);
        if (matches.bestMatch.rating > 0.5){
            callback(null, {"actions": [{"say": "Sure, handing over to one of our agents now..."}]});
        else buildCollect(count);*/
        //Use case 2
        getFieldsOrNextTask(event.CurrentInput, count);
    else {count = 1;buildCollect(count, null);}
    Send the user input to Queries endpoint
    - If there are fields and confidence is high, assume user input is ok, remember the value and continue to next question (improvement: check the exact type of field found)
    - If there are no fields, check the results of the task and confidence, assuming the user wants to break the collect. Choose the target task based on rules you test, excluding the collect task
    async function getFieldsOrNextTask(input, count){
        const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
        let fields_result = await client.autopilot.assistants(context.AUTOPILOT_SID).queries.create({language: 'en-US', query: input, tasks: COLLECT_TASK});
        if(fields_result.results.task_confidence < 0.4 || !fields_result.results.fields.length){
            let all_tasks_string = "";
            let tasks = await client.autopilot.assistants(context.AUTOPILOT_SID).tasks.list();
            for(let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++){
                if (tasks[i].uniqueName === COLLECT_TASK)continue;
                let name = tasks[i].uniqueName;
                let unique_name = i === tasks.length-1 ? name : name + ",";
                all_tasks_string += unique_name;
            console.log("All tasks without the Collect task: " + all_tasks_string);
            let task_result = await client.autopilot.assistants(context.AUTOPILOT_SID).queries.create({language: 'en-US', query: event.CurrentInput, tasks: all_tasks_string});
            let task_confidence = task_result.results.task_confidence;
            let chosen_task = parseFloat(task_confidence) < 0.4 && !task_result.results.next_best_task ? "fallback": task_result.results.task;
            console.log("Chosen new task to break Collect is: " + chosen_task);
            callback(null, {"actions": [{"redirect": "task://" + chosen_task}]});        
            console.log("seemed a valid field of the Collect task, remember it and move to next question");
            buildCollect(count, event.CurrentInput);
    function buildCollect(count, userInputToRemember){
        console.log("Current count: " + count);
        if(count > questions.length){
            callback(null, {"actions": [{"say": "Thank you, that is the end of our questions, moving to the next part of the flow"}]});
            //Create the current collect object and increase the count in on_complete for the next iteration
            let name = "collect_" + count;
            let on_complete = {
                    "redirect": "https://" + context.DOMAIN_NAME + "/dynamic-collect?count=" + (count+1)
            let collect_object = {};
            collect_object.name = name;
            collect_object.questions = [];
            collect_object.questions[0] = questions[count-1];
            collect_object.on_complete = on_complete;
            console.log("Current Collect object: " + JSON.stringify(collect_object));
                let remember_var = questions[count-1].name;
                callback(null, {"actions": [{"remember": {remember_var: userInputToRemember}},{"collect": collect_object}]});
                callback(null, {"actions": [{"collect": collect_object}]});

让我知道这是否有帮助! <3