
时间:2020-02-23 01:08:37

标签: python flask-socketio python-socketio


来自客户端的“ mesage_event”事件很好地到达了服务器,但是然后,我在客户端看不到任何东西。我不知道服务器是否向房间发出任何东西,但在客户端,控制台中看不到任何东西。 我只能通过广播成功发送给所有客户端。


@socketio.on("send msg")
def sendsocket(data):
    print("send msg start:", data["msg"])
    msg = data["msg"]
    room = data["room"]
    emit("message_event", msg, room = room)



socket.emit('send msg', {'msg': msg, 'room': room})


socket.on('message_event', data => {
    console.log("message received:", data);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


第一,您需要向服务器发送void CMyImageView::OnDraw(CDC* pDCView) { if (m_DIBData != NULL) { #define PALSIZE(x) ((x) > 8? 0: 1 << (x)) // move different versions of bitmap header to bitmap structure BITMAP bm; if (m_DIBData->biSize == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER)) { bm.bmWidth=((BITMAPCOREHEADER*)m_DIBData)->bcWidth; bm.bmHeight=((BITMAPCOREHEADER*)m_DIBData)->bcHeight; bm.bmBitsPixel=((BITMAPCOREHEADER*)m_DIBData)->bcBitCount; bm.bmType=BI_RGB; bm.bmBits=PBYTE(m_DIBData) + m_DIBData->biSize + PALSIZE(bm.bmBitsPixel) * 3; } else { bm.bmWidth=m_DIBData->biWidth; bm.bmHeight=m_DIBData->biHeight; bm.bmBitsPixel=m_DIBData->biBitCount; bm.bmType=m_DIBData->biCompression; long color=m_DIBData->biClrUsed ? m_DIBData->biClrUsed : PALSIZE(bm.bmBitsPixel); bm.bmBits=PBYTE(m_DIBData) + m_DIBData->biSize + color * 4; } CPoint point=GetScrollPosition(); CRect rcClient(0, 0, 0, 0); if(pDCView->IsPrinting()) { pDCView->SetMapMode(MM_ISOTROPIC); // setup base size of item pDCView->SetWindowExt(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight); rcClient.right=bm.bmWidth; rcClient.bottom=bm.bmHeight; // setup view output to full page int horzres=pDCView->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES); int vertres=pDCView->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES); pDCView->SetViewportExt(horzres, vertres); } else { ASSERT(MM_TEXT == pDCView->GetMapMode()); ASSERT(CPoint(0, 0) == pDCView->GetViewportOrg()); GetClientRect(rcClient); } const int cx=rcClient.right; // view client area width const int cy=rcClient.bottom; // view client area height const int bx=bm.bmWidth; // source bitmap width const int by=bm.bmHeight; // source bitmap height const int vx=(int)(bx * m_fZoom); // virtual document width const int vy=(int)(by * m_fZoom); // virtual document height const int xPos=point.x; // horizontal scroll position const int yPos=point.y; // vertical scroll position // source and destination coordinates and sizes int xSrc, ySrc, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, xDst, yDst, nDstWidth, nDstHeight; if (vx > cx) { xSrc=(int)(xPos / m_fZoom); nSrcWidth=bx - xSrc; xDst=0; nDstWidth=vx - xPos; } else { xSrc=0; nSrcWidth=bx; xDst=cx / 2 - vx / 2; nDstWidth=vx; } if (vy > cy) { ySrc=0; nSrcHeight=by; yDst=-yPos; nDstHeight=vy; } else { ySrc=0; nSrcHeight=by; yDst=cy / 2 - vy / 2; nDstHeight=vy; } ::StretchDIBits(pDCView->m_hDC, xDst, yDst, // xy-coordinates of upper-left corner of dest. rect. nDstWidth, nDstHeight, // width & height of destination rectangle xSrc, ySrc, // xy-coordinates of lower-left corner of source rect. nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, // width & height of source rectangle bm.bmBits, // address of array with DIB bits (BITMAPINFO*)m_DIBData, // address of structure with bitmap info DIB_RGB_COLORS, // usage flags SRCCOPY); // raster operation code } } 事件。


例如,在这里我将触发器附加到按钮上。为了使最初测试将用户添加到房间更容易,我使用<script> function joinRoom() { console.log("ask server to join room"); socket.emit("join", { "user": Date.now(), "room": "Notifications" }); } </script> <body> <button onclick="joinRoom()">Join</button> </body> 作为用户名。您可以打开不同的标签来充当不同的用户。

Flask-SocketIO文档的Rooms and Namespaces部分中有一个示例。


在处理程序中,您需要调用join_room方法以将用户添加到当前名称空间下的房间 中。请注意有关名称空间的那部分。默认情况下,所有连接都在根(@socketio.on("join") def on_join(data): user = data["user"] room = data["room"] print(f"client {user} wants to join: {room}") join_room(room) emit("room_message", f"Welcome to {room}, {user}", room=room) )命名空间下。如果您有自定义名称空间,则每个名称空间都将有自己的房间。





def connect():
    print("client wants to connect")
    emit("status", { "data": "Connected. Hello!" })

def on_join(data):
    user = data["user"]
    room = data["room"]
    print(f"client {user} wants to join: {room}")
    emit("room_message", f"Welcome to {room}, {user}", room=room)


<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    const socket = io();
    socket.on("connect", () => {
    socket.on("status", (status) => {
        console.log("received status: " + status.data);
    socket.on("room_message", (msg) => {
        console.log("message from room: " + msg);
    function joinRoom() {
        console.log("ask server to join room");
        socket.emit("join", { "user": Date.now(), "room": "Notifications" });

    <button onclick="joinRoom()">Join</button>


client wants to connect
client wants to connect
client wants to connect
client 1582428076724 wants to join: Notifications
client 1582428080023 wants to join: Notifications
client 1582428082916 wants to join: Notifications