我怎样才能安全地将float * x变成const float * const * y?

时间:2011-05-17 08:55:59

标签: c++ pointers const

我有一个函数audioReceived (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels),我想在其中调用需要const float *const *inputBuffers的库中的函数。

显然正在编译const float *const *inputBuffers = (const float* const*)input;编译,但这是一个可怕的想法,崩溃程序,杀死小猫等。没有人需要修改原始float* input,它是正在处理的传入音频数据。


编辑:这是更多代码。 audioReceived是:

void testApp::audioReceived (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels){ 

     Vamp::RealTime rt = Vamp::RealTime::fromMilliseconds(ofGetSystemTime());
     float const *const tmp[] = { input, 0 };    
     Vamp::Plugin::FeatureSet fs = myPlugin->process(tmp, rt);


 * Process a single block of input data.
 * If the plugin's inputDomain is TimeDomain, inputBuffers will
 * point to one array of floats per input channel, and each of
 * these arrays will contain blockSize consecutive audio samples
 * (the host will zero-pad as necessary).  The timestamp in this
 * case will be the real time in seconds of the start of the
 * supplied block of samples.
 * If the plugin's inputDomain is FrequencyDomain, inputBuffers
 * will point to one array of floats per input channel, and each
 * of these arrays will contain blockSize/2+1 consecutive pairs of
 * real and imaginary component floats corresponding to bins
 * 0..(blockSize/2) of the FFT output.  That is, bin 0 (the first
 * pair of floats) contains the DC output, up to bin blockSize/2
 * which contains the Nyquist-frequency output.  There will
 * therefore be blockSize+2 floats per channel in total.  The
 * timestamp will be the real time in seconds of the centre of the
 * FFT input window (i.e. the very first block passed to process
 * might contain the FFT of half a block of zero samples and the
 * first half-block of the actual data, with a timestamp of zero).
 * Return any features that have become available after this
 * process call.  (These do not necessarily have to fall within
 * the process block, except for OneSamplePerStep outputs.)
virtual FeatureSet process(const float *const *inputBuffers,
               RealTime timestamp) = 0;


FeatureSet process(const float *const *inputBuffers, Vamp::RealTime timestamp);

我认为EXC_BAD_ACCESS可能源于想要零填充数组的库函数,而我没有给它一个。 (a)这听起来是否合理;(b)如果是,是时候提出不同的SO问题了吗?


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




float const * const buffers[] = {input, 0};

答案 1 :(得分:2)



float const *const tmp[] = { input, 0 };


答案 2 :(得分:1)

float *

float **



答案 3 :(得分:0)

你需要传递一个float **,即指向指针浮点数的指针。 const只是告诉你该函数不会修改任何指向的值。


float **data = new float *[nChannels];
for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; ++c) {
    data[c] = new float[bufferSize];

之后data的格式正确,以传递给此函数。 (函数知道这些东西有多大,因为你之前已经为插件构造函数提供了通道数和块大小。)

您的示例代码显示您有一个单指针float *,这表明您可能以交错格式(即单个数组中的交替通道值)开始数据。如果是这种情况,您需要解交错到单独的通道才能传递到process函数:

for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) {
    for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; ++c) {
        data[c][i] = input[i * nChannels + c];
myPlugin->process(data, rt);


for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; ++c) {
    delete[] data[c];
delete[] data;

另一方面,如果你知道你只有一个数据通道 - 并且你在插件构造函数中提供了1作为通道数 - 那么你可以像其他人一样做额外的间接建议:

myPlugin->process(&input, rt);
