Order ID Items Order Line item Properties 1 Title Order Line item Properties 1 Value
-------- ----- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
1 x Org ID 1234
2 x Org ID 5678
2 x Ship From DEN
2 y Ship To CLE
2 y Org ID 5678
2 y Ship From DEN
2 y Ship To CLE
我有一些代码可以为Org ID
,Ship From
和Ship To
Order ID Items Org ID Ship From Ship To
-------- ----- ------ --------- --------
1 x 1234 None None
2 x 5678 None None
2 x 5678 DEN None
2 x 5678 None CLE
2 y 5678 None None
2 y 5678 DEN None
2 y 5678 None CLE
Order ID Items Org ID Ship From Ship To
-------- ----- ------ --------- --------
1 x 1234 None None
2 x, y 5678 DEN CLE
我想我对所有事情都掌握了,除了在其余数据相同时将项目串联起来以显示为x, y
df.groupby('Order ID').apply(lambda x: x.ffill().bfill()).drop_duplicates()
我可以这样输入[str(x) for x in df['Items']]
对于订单2上的项目,我该怎么做才能合并,连接,压扁,联接或以x, y
答案 0 :(得分:1)
df.groupby(['Order ID','Org ID'])['Items'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(set(x.astype(str)))).reset_index()
Order ID Org ID Items
0 1 1234 x
1 2 5678 y,x
答案 1 :(得分:1)
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