
时间:2020-01-12 23:41:52

标签: python pandas file csv dataframe


我想将每个表读入其自己的pandas DataFrame进行分析。这里是数据的子集:

Balance Sheet               
Report Date               12/31/2001    12/31/2000  12/31/1999  12/31/1998
Cash & cash equivalents   2279861       522995      418819      378511
Short-term investments    -             -           -            -
Accounts & other receivables    71283   138070      73448       88799
Inventories of parts...   70561          80564        65152     50035

Income Statement                
Report Date               12/31/2001    12/31/2000  12/31/1999  12/31/1998
Passenger revenues        5378702       5467965     4499360     3963781
Freight revenues          91270         110742      102990      98500
Charter & other           -              -           -           -
Special revenue adjustment  -            -           -           -

Statement of Retained Earnings              
Report Date              12/31/2001    12/31/2000   12/31/1999  12/31/1998
Previous ret earn...     2902007       2385854      2044975     1632115
Cumulative effect of..    -              -            -          -
Three-for-two stock split   117885  -   78076   -
Issuance of common..     52753           75952       45134       10184



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Lines that separate the various financial statements
lines_to_skip = [0, 102, 103, 158, 159, 169, 170]

with open('LUV.csv', 'r') as file:
    fin_statements = pd.read_csv(file, skiprows=lines_to_skip)

balance_sheet = fin_statements[0:100]



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是我的解决方案: 我的假设是,每个语句都以一个指标(“资产负债表”,“收入语句”,“保留收益表”)开头,我们可以基于该表拆分表以获取单个数据框。这是以下代码所基于的前提。让我知道这是否是一个错误的假设。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#i copied your data above and created a csv with it

df = pd.read_csv('csvtable_stackoverflow',header=None)

0   Balance Sheet
1   Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/...
2   Cash & cash equivalents 2279861 522995...
3   Short-term investments - - ...
4   Accounts & other receivables 71283 138070...
5   Inventories of parts... 70561 80564...
6   Income Statement
7   Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/...
8   Passenger revenues 5378702 546796...
9   Freight revenues 91270 110742...
10  Charter & other - - ...
11  Special revenue adjustment - - ...
12  Statement of Retained Earnings
13  Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/2...
14  Previous ret earn... 2902007 2385854...
15  Cumulative effect of.. - - ...
16  Three-for-two stock split 117885 - 78076 -
17  Issuance of common.. 52753 75952...

下面的代码仅使用numpy select过滤掉包含哪些行 资产负债表或损益表或现金流量


bal_sheet = df[0].str.strip()=='Balance Sheet'
income_stmt = df[0].str.strip()=='Income Statement'
cash_flow_sheet = df[0].str.strip()=='Statement of Retained Earnings'
condlist = [bal_sheet, income_stmt, cash_flow_sheet]
choicelist = ['Balance Sheet', 'Income Statement', 'Statement of 
                                                   Retained Earnings']

下面的下一个代码创建一列来指示工作表类型,将“ 0”转换为null,然后填写

df = (df.assign(sheet_type = np.select(condlist,choicelist))
      .assign(sheet_type = lambda x: x.sheet_type.replace('0',np.nan))


df_bal_sheet = df.copy().query('sheet_type=="Balance Sheet"')
df_income_sheet = df.copy().query('sheet_type=="Income Statement"')
df_cash_flow = df.copy().query('sheet_type=="Statement of Retained Earnings"')

df_bal_sheet :     
         0                                            sheet_type
0   Balance Sheet                                    Balance Sheet
1   Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/...                 Balance Sheet
2   Cash & cash equivalents 2279861 522995...        Balance Sheet
3   Short-term investments - - ...                   Balance Sheet
4   Accounts & other receivables 71283 138070...     Balance Sheet
5   Inventories of parts... 70561 80564...           Balance Sheet

df_income_sheet : 
           0                                     sheet_type
6   Income Statement                           Income Statement
7   Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/...           Income Statement
8   Passenger revenues 5378702 546796...       Income Statement
9   Freight revenues 91270 110742...           Income Statement
10  Charter & other - - ...                    Income Statement
11  Special revenue adjustment - - ...         Income Statement

              0                                         sheet_type
12  Statement of Retained Earnings              Statement of Retained Earnings
13  Report Date 12/31/2001 12/31/2...           Statement of Retained Earnings
14  Previous ret earn... 2902007 2385854...     Statement of Retained Earnings
15  Cumulative effect of.. - - ...              Statement of Retained Earnings
16  Three-for-two stock split 117885 - 78076 -  Statement of Retained Earnings
17  Issuance of common.. 52753 75952...         Statement of Retained Earnings


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    Dataframe name
    Header line
        Data line

恕我直言,最简单的方法是逐行手动解析 行,为每个数据帧提供一个临时的csv文件,然后加载该数据帧。代码可能是:

df = {}        # dictionary of dataframes

def process(tmp, df_name):
'''Process the temporary file corresponding to one dataframe'''                
    # print("Process", df_name, tmp.name)  # uncomment for debugging
    if tmp is not None:
        df[df_name] = pd.read_csv(tmp.name)
        os.remove(tmp.name)                # do not forget to remove the temp file

with open('LUV.csv') as file:
    df_name = "NONAME"                     # should never be in resulting dict...
    tmp = None
    for line in file:
        # print(line)                      # uncomment for debugging
        if len(line.strip()) == 0:         # close temp file on empty line
            process(tmp, df_name)          # and process it
            tmp = None
        elif tmp is None:                  # a new part: store the name
            df_name = line.strip()
            state = 1
            tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete=False)
            tmp.write(line)                # just feed the temp file

    # process the last part if no empty line was present...
    process(tmp, df_name)

