我对神经网络还很陌生,我正在尝试建立一个模型,该模型将获得2个形状不同的输入(3668、688和3668、300),火车输出形状为(3668、988) )。
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(3668, input_dim=300, activation='tanh'))
model.add(Dense(988, activation= K.exp))
offset = Sequential()
offset.add(Dense(988, input_dim=688, activation='linear'))
input1 = Input(shape=(300,))
input2 = Input(shape=(688,))
x1 = model(input1)
x2 = offset(input2)
from keras.layers import Multiply, add
output = Multiply()([x1, x2])
from keras.models import Model
modelnew = Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=output)
modelnew.fit([categorical_train_data, numerical_train_data], train_outputs, epochs=10, steps_per_epoch=5)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# define two sets of inputs
inputA = Input(shape=(300,))
inputB = Input(shape=(688,))
# the first branch operates on the first input
x = Dense(300, activation="relu", use_bias=True)(inputA)
x = Dense(50, activation="relu", use_bias=True)(x)
x = Model(inputs=inputA, outputs=x)
# the second branch opreates on the second input
y = Dense(688, activation="relu", use_bias=True)(inputB)
y = Dense(300, activation="relu", use_bias=True)(y)
y = Dense(50, activation="relu", use_bias=True)(y)
y = Model(inputs=inputB, outputs=y)
# combine the output of the two branches
combined = Concatenate()([x.output, y.output])
# apply a FC layer and then a regression prediction on the
# combined outputs
z = Dense(100, input_dim=100, activation='relu', use_bias=True)(combined)
z = Dense(35, activation='sigmoid')(z)
# our model will accept the inputs of the two branches and
# then output a single value
model2 = Model(inputs=[x.input, y.input], outputs=z)
我从这里带走的: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2019/02/04/keras-multiple-inputs-and-mixed-data/