
时间:2019-12-13 00:44:15

标签: assembly x86 intel

我一直在尝试在Linux上学习x86 Assembly,这是我的代码:

.model flat
start PROC
    mov eax, 100
    add eax, 200

start endp
end start


nasm -f elf32 -o <filename>.o <filename>.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -o <filename> <filename>.o


simple.asm:1: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error [-w+orphan-labels]
simple.asm:1: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
simple.asm:2: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
simple.asm:2: error: parser: instruction expected
simple.asm:3: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error [-w+orphan-labels]
simple.asm:3: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
simple.asm:4: error: parser: instruction expected
simple.asm:9: error: symbol `start' redefined
simple.asm:9: error: parser: instruction expected
simple.asm:10: error: parser: instruction expected


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