我一直在尝试将输入整数转换为二进制ASCII码,但是我不知道该怎么做。我做一个len函数来知道输入的大小,知道何时停止。该代码的主要思想是将123之类的数字转换为00110001 00110010 00110011之类的ASCII代码。 我想制作类似于此页面https://www.traductorbinario.com/#ascii的内容,但要使用整数输入。 这是我目前所拥有的:
%include "io.mac"
msg_binary db "Text in binary",0
number resd 1
GetLInt [number]
mov EAX, [number]
mov EBX, 10
inc ECX
div EBX
xor EDX, EDX
cmp EAX, 0
jne len
PutStr msg_binary
mov EBX, ECX
sub ECX, ECX
mov ESI, number
mov AL,[ESI]
mov AH,80H
mov ECX,8 ; loop count to print 8 bits
test AL,AH ; test does not modify AL
jz print_0 ; if tested bit is 0, print it
PutCh '1' ; otherwise, print 1
jmp skip1
PutCh '0' ; print 0
shr AH,1 ; right-shift mask bit to test
loop print_bit
PutCh ' '
inc ESI
dec EBX
cmp EBX, 0
jne repeat
答案 0 :(得分:0)
表B.1 io.mac中定义的I / O例程摘要
Name Operand(s) Operand location Size What it does PutCh source value 8 bits Displays the character register located at source memory GetCh destination register 8 bits Reads a character into memory destination nwln none — — Displays a carriage return and line feed PutStr source memory variable Displays the NULL-terminated string at source GetStr destination [,buffer size] memory variable Reads a carriage-return-terminated string into destination and stores it as a NULL-terminated string. Maximum string length is buffer size-1. PutInt source register 16 bits Displays the signed 16-bit number memory located at source GetInt destination register 16 bits Reads a signed 16-bit number into memory destination PutLint source register 32 bits Displays the signed 32-bit number memory located at source GetLint destination register 32 bits Reads a signed 32-bit number into memory destination (from: Dandamudi, Sivarama P., Introduction to Assembly Language Programming, 2nd ed. 2004)
%include "io.mac"
msg_binary db "Text in binary",0
number resd 1
decimal resb 11 ; Max. ten digits plus one NULL
GetLInt [number] ; Input & convert input to 32-bit integer
PutStr msg_binary
mov eax, [number] ; Value of number
mov edi, decimal ; Offset of decimal
call int2str ; Convert number to decimal
mov esi, decimal ; Offset of decimal
mov al, [esi] ; Load a character
cmp al, 0 ; End of string?
je done ; Yes -> end of repeart
mov ecx, 8 ; Loop eight times
shl al, 1 ; Isolate the leftmost bit and shift the rest to the left
jnc print_0 ; if tested bit is 0, print it
PutCh '1' ; otherwise, print 1
jmp skip1
PutCh '0' ; print 0
loop loop1 ; Loop and decrement ECX
PutCh ' '
add esi, 1 ; Offset of next character
jmp repeat ; Once more
nwln ; New line
.EXIT ; Return to shell
int2str: ; Converts an positive integer in EAX to a string pointed to by EDI
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, 10
.LL1: ; First loop: Collect the remainders
xor edx, edx ; Clear EDX for div
div ebx ; EDX:EAX/EBX -> EAX Remainder EDX
push dx ; Save remainder
inc ecx ; Increment push counter
test eax, eax ; Anything left to divide?
jnz .LL1 ; Yes: loop once more
.LL2: ; Second loop: Retrieve the remainders
pop dx ; In DL is the value
or dl, '0' ; To ASCII
mov [edi], dl ; Save it to the string
inc edi ; Increment the pointer to the string
loop .LL2 ; Loop ECX times
mov byte [edi], 0 ; Termination character
ret ; RET: EDI points to the terminating NULL