Gridworld Java吃豆人

时间:2019-12-06 04:25:18

标签: java bluej pacman gridworld

我正在为最后一个CS项目开发PacMan Gridworld。我不知道为什么当我编译和创建新对象时它不会出现在BlueJ中。我使用了两个jar文件:Gridworld和pacman。当我右键单击以使作废时,它弹出代码并显示以下消息:

    at PacMan.act(



import info.gridworld.grid.Grid;
import info.gridworld.grid.Location;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class PacMan extends Actor implements PacManInterface {

    //Variables for keeping track of objects in the grid
    private ArrayList<Location> pellets = new ArrayList<Location>();
    private ArrayList<Actor> ghosts = new ArrayList<Actor>();
    private Grid<Actor> grid;

    //Variables for keeping track of myself
    private ArrayList<Location> path = new ArrayList<Location>();
    private int pathstep = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private MyStats myStats;
    private boolean amSuper = false;
    private Color defColor;
    private boolean fullyInitialized = false;
    private Location furthestEdible = null;

     * Called after class creation to initialize a Pac-Man. Do not put your
     * Actor in the grid in this method. The world will call
     * start(info.gridworld.grid.Grid<>,
     * info.gridworld.grid.Location) when you should do this.
     * @param ms
     * @param color
    public void initializeStats(MyStats ms, Color color) {
        this.myStats = ms;
        this.defColor = color;

     * This method is called when Pac-Man should enter the Maze. Use
     * putSelfInGrid to add yourself to the designated location.
     * @param grid
     * @param lctn
    public void start(Grid<Actor> grid, Location lctn) {
        //Set basic stats
        this.grid = grid;
        this.putSelfInGrid(grid, lctn);

     * Called when this Pac-Man eats a PowerPellet. Pac-Man should set their
     * color to BLUE when Pac-Man turns super and return to their original color
     * when they've stopped. A Pac-Man may eat ghosts when any other Pac-Man is
     * super.
     * @param bln
     * @param actor
    public void superPacMan(boolean bln, Actor actor) {
        if (actor == this) {
            this.amSuper = bln;
            if (bln) {
            } else {

     * Called when Pac-Man is eaten by a Ghost. You should remove yourself from
     * the grid (if you haven't already), and indicate that you've died.
    public void eaten() {

     * Tell Ghosts if this Pac-Man is currently super-powered.
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isSuperPacMan() {
        return this.amSuper;

     * Performs one step of action.
    public void act() {
        boolean haveDied = false;
        if (!fullyInitialized) {
            //I can't do this earlier since every object is placed on the board in-order
            //Read through the grid to get locations for pellets and ghosts
            ArrayList<Location> locs = grid.getOccupiedLocations();
            for (int i = 0; i < locs.size(); i++) {
                if (grid.get(locs.get(i)) instanceof Pellet) {
                    //if it's a pellet or power pellet (power pellets extend pellet)
                } else if (grid.get(locs.get(i)) instanceof Ghost) {
                    //if it's a pellet or power pellet (power pellets extend pellet)
            fullyInitialized = true;
        //Find the closest pellet if the current furthestEdible isn't on a list
        if (!(this.pellets.indexOf(furthestEdible) >= 0 || this.ghosts.indexOf(furthestEdible) >= 0)) {
            //Find the new closest pellet, if i've already eaten the last one
            this.furthestEdible = getFurthestEdible();

        Location target = this.getLocation();

        //get a new path and reset my path progress            
        this.path = AStarPath(this.furthestEdible);
        this.pathstep = 0;
        //The AStarPath returns null in some cases... O.o
        if (path != null) {
            //follow the steps on my path
            target = this.path.get(pathstep++);

        //Reactions to potential things that I may hit, after final target
        if (grid.get(target) instanceof Pellet) { //if I hit a pellet...
            scorePellet((Pellet) grid.get(target));
        } else if (grid.get(target) instanceof Ghost) { //if i hit a ghost...
            Ghost ghost = (Ghost) grid.get(target);
            if (ghost.getScaredStatus()) { //if this ghost is scared of me:
                //get its held pellet
                if (ghost.getHeldPellet() != null) {
            } else { //if i'm not super or the ghost is regular:
                haveDied = true;

        if (!haveDied) {
            //Set my direction and make my final move.

     * Finds a path for Pac-Man to follow, based on the current location, using
     * A* search algorithm.
     * @param current
     * @return
    public ArrayList<Location> AStarPath(Location target) {
        //Initialize the open list with my current location (places temp attempted)
        ArrayList<NodeLocation> openlist = new ArrayList<>();
        openlist.add(new NodeLocation(this.getLocation(), null, this.grid));
        //initialize the closed list (places already tried)
        ArrayList<NodeLocation> closedlist = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Location> solution = null;

        //Run through the list of places to try only if the target isn't null
        while (openlist.size() > 0 && target != null) {
            //Get the node with lowest cost
            int templowestcost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            NodeLocation tempcheapestnode = null;
            for (NodeLocation testing : openlist) {
                if (testing.getCost(target) < templowestcost) {
                    templowestcost = testing.getCost(target);
                    tempcheapestnode = testing;
            //Remove lowest-cost from untested

            //Iterate through the surrounding spaces
            for (Location temp : Utility.validSurrounding(tempcheapestnode, grid)) {
                NodeLocation tempnode = new NodeLocation(temp, tempcheapestnode, grid);
                if (!tempcheapestnode.sourcePath().contains(temp)) {
                    if (grid.get(tempnode) instanceof Warp) {
                        tempnode = new NodeLocation(Utility.warpAlternate(tempnode, grid), tempcheapestnode, grid);
                    if (tempnode.equals(target)) {
                        //if it's the solution, then return the path
                        solution = tempnode.sourcePath();
                    if (!(openlist.contains(tempnode)
                            && openlist.get(openlist.indexOf(tempnode)).getCost(target) < tempnode.getCost(target))) {
                        //if there isn't already a cheaper version of this node on the openlist
                        if (!(closedlist.contains(tempnode)
                                && closedlist.get(closedlist.indexOf(tempnode)).getCost(target) < tempnode.getCost(target))) {
                            //if there isn't already a cheaper version of this node on the closedlist too
            //break if there was a solution found inside that forloop
            if (solution != null) {
                //remove the current location
            //otherwise put the one i just tested onto the tried-list
        //if i get here from termination of the loop, then the result is always null
        //This really shouldn't be called, anytime... :/
        return solution;

     * Call the required methods associated with eating the given pellet. This
     * method is called when PacMan runs into a pellet of any type, or a ghost
     * that has a pellet under/with it.
     * @param pellet
    private void scorePellet(Pellet pellet) {
        if (pellet instanceof PowerPellet) { //A power pellet
        } else { //a regular pellet
        this.pellets.remove(pellet.getLocation()); //remove eaten pellets from my list

     * Returns the edible (scared ghost or pellet) that is furthest away from
     * PacMan.
     * @return
    public Location getFurthestEdible() {
        //Initialize variables
        Location temp = this.getLocation();
        //Test pellets
        for (Location pellet : this.pellets) {
            if (Utility.euclideanDistance(pellet, this.getLocation())
                    > Utility.euclideanDistance(temp, this.getLocation())) {
                temp = pellet;
        //Test ghosts
        for (Actor ghost : this.ghosts) {
            //Consider a ghost edible only if it's scared
            if (ghost.getLocation() != null && ((Ghost) ghost).getScaredStatus()) {
                if (Utility.euclideanDistance(ghost.getLocation(), this.getLocation())
                        > Utility.euclideanDistance(temp, this.getLocation())) {
                    temp = ghost.getLocation();
        //if I haven't found an edible, get the furthest location that isn't a wall
        if (temp.equals(this.getLocation())) {
            for (int rows = 0; rows < this.grid.getNumRows(); rows++) {
                for (int cols = 0; cols < this.grid.getNumCols(); cols++) {
                    if (Utility.euclideanDistance(new Location(rows, cols), this.getLocation())
                            > Utility.euclideanDistance(temp, this.getLocation())) {
                        temp = new Location(rows, cols);
        return temp;

    public int superTimeLeft() {
        return this.myStats.getSuperTime();

     * Finds a path for Pac-Man to follow, based on the current location. Uses a
     * breadth-first search, filtering out steps that crash into walls and
     * stopping a search when a scatterghost or pellet is found, then returning
     * the sequence of steps taken to get there. THIS METHOD IS UNUSED AND
     * @param current
     * @return
    private ArrayList<Location> optimalStepPath() {
        //Initialize what I need
        ArrayList<NodeLocation> totest = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Location> solution = null;
        for (int direction : Utility.DIRECTIONS) {
            if (Utility.directionMoveIsValid(direction, this.getLocation(), grid)) {
                totest.add(new NodeLocation(Utility.directionMove(direction, this.getLocation()), null, this.grid));
        //Run through the list of places to try
        while (totest.size() > 0) {
            //If there is a pellet next to me, return the path that I took in getting there
            if (adjacentTest(totest.get(0)) != null) {
                solution = totest.get(0).sourcePath();
            } else {
                //If there isn't, keep testing moves and adding them to the end to test later
                for (int direction : Utility.DIRECTIONS) {
                    //If it's a valid move
                    if (Utility.directionMoveIsValid(direction, totest.get(0), grid)) {
                        NodeLocation temp = new NodeLocation(Utility.directionMove(direction, totest.get(0)), totest.get(0), this.grid);
                        ArrayList<Location> leadupMap = temp.sourcePath();
                        leadupMap.remove(leadupMap.size() - 1);
                        //if it isn't contained in the current sequence already
                        if (!leadupMap.contains(temp) && !this.getLocation().equals(temp)) {
                            //if this won't lead me towards a ghost when i'm defenseless
                            if (this.isSuperPacMan() || !(grid.get(temp) instanceof Ghost)) {
            //Remove the current element (it won't be tested again)
        return solution;

     * Returns the location of an edible if the given location is adjacent to
     * one, otherwise returns null. THIS METHOD IS UNUSED. I JUST DON'T WANT TO
     * @param current
     * @return
    private Location adjacentTest(Location current) {
        //If I'm adjacent to something I want to eat, go there.
        for (Location surrloc : grid.getValidAdjacentLocations(current)) {
            //if it's not a diagonal (can't go in diagonals :P)
            if (surrloc.getRow() == current.getRow()
                    || surrloc.getCol() == current.getCol()) {
                if (grid.get(surrloc) instanceof Pellet) {
                    return surrloc;
                } else if (this.isSuperPacMan() && grid.get(surrloc) instanceof Ghost) {
                    return surrloc;
        return null;


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