
时间:2011-05-07 08:16:56

标签: data-structures haskell algebraic-data-types

根据this paper对数据结构的区分工作。

根据this answer




 1 = 0
 X′ = 1
 (F + G)′ = F' + G′
 (F • G)′ = F • G′ + F′ • G
 (F ◦ G)′ = (F′ ◦ G) • G′

引用的论文对我来说有点过于复杂,无法获得直觉。 这在实践中意味着什么?一个具体的例子太棒了。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:20)

X中X的单孔上下文是什么?没有选择:它是( - ),可以用单位类型表示。

X * X中X的单孔上下文是什么?它类似于( - ,x2)或(x1, - ),所以它可以用X + X表示(如果你愿意的话可以用2 * X表示)。

X * X * X中X的单孔上下文是什么?它类似于( - ,x2,x3)或(x1, - ,x3)或(x1,x2, - ),可由X * X + X * X + X * X表示,或(3 * X ^ 2,如果你喜欢)。

更一般地说,带有孔的F * G要么是带有孔的F和完整的G,要么是完整的F和带孔的G。


data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Tree

真的是说Tree = 1 + Tree * Tree。区分多项式会告诉您立即子树的上下文:Leaf中没有子树;在节点中,它左边是洞,右边是树,左边是树,右边是洞。

data Tree' = NodeLeft () Tree | NodeRight Tree ()


type TreeCtxt = [Tree']
type TreeZipper = (Tree, TreeCtxt)


search :: (Tree -> Bool) -> Tree -> [TreeZipper]
search p t = go (t, []) where
  go :: TreeZipper -> [TreeZipper]
  go z = here z ++ below z
  here :: TreeZipper -> [TreeZipper]
  here z@(t, _) | p t       = [z]
                | otherwise = []
  below (Leaf,     _)  = []
  below (Node l r, cs) = go (l, NodeLeft () r : cs) ++ go (r, NodeRight l () : cs)



答案 1 :(得分:11)



List t = 1     []
       + t     [a]
       + t^2   [a,b]
       + t^3   [a,b,c]
       + t^4   [a,b,c,d]
       + ...   [a,b,c,d,...]


List' t = 0      empty list doesn't have hole
        + 1      [@]
        + 2*t    [@,b]     or [a,@]
        + 3*t^2  [@,b,c]   or [a,@,c]   or [a,b,@]
        + 4*t^3  [@,b,c,d] or [a,@,c,d] or [a,b,@,d] or [a,b,c,@]
        + ...


data Tree t = TEmpty | TNode t (Tree t) (Tree t)
-- Tree t = 1 + t (Tree t)^2



Tree' t = 0                    empty tree doesn't have hole
        + (Tree X)^2           the root is a hole, followed by 2 normal trees
        + t*(Tree' t)*(Tree t) the left tree has a hole, the right is normal
        + t*(Tree t)*(Tree' t) the left tree is normal, the right has a hole

          @    or      x     or     x    
         / \          / \          / \   
        a   b       @?   b        a   @?
       /\   /\     / \   /\      /\   /\ 
      c  d e  f   @? @? e  f    c  d @? @?

data Tree' t = THit (Tree t) (Tree t)
             | TLeft t (Tree' t) (Tree t)
             | TRight t (Tree t) (Tree' t)


data Rose t = RNode t [Rose t]
-- R t = t*List(R t)

衍生物说R' t = List(R t) + t * List'(R t) * R' t,这意味着


R' t = List (R t)        the root is a hole
     + t                 we have a normal root node,
       * List' (R t)       and a list that has a hole,
       * R' t              and we put a holed rose tree at the list's hole



data Rose' t = RHit [Rose t] | RChild t (List' (Rose t)) (Rose' t)

请注意data List' t = LHit [t] | LTail t (List' t)



locateL :: (t -> Bool) -> [t] -> Maybe (t, List' t)
locateL _ [] = Nothing
locateL f (x:xs) | f x       = Just (x, LHit xs)
                 | otherwise = do
                                  (el, ctx) <- locateL f xs
                                  return (el, LTail x ctx)

locateR :: (t -> Bool) -> Rose t -> Maybe (t, Rose' t)
locateR f (RNode a child)
      | f a       = Just (a, RHit child)
      | otherwise = do 
                      (whichChild, listCtx) <- locateL (isJust . locateR f) child
                      (el, ctx) <- locateR f whichChild
                      return (el, RChild a listCtx ctx)


updateL :: t -> List' t -> [t]
updateL x (LHit xs) = x:xs
updateL x (LTail a ctx) = a : updateL x ctx

updateR :: t -> Rose' t -> Rose t
updateR x (RHit child) = RNode x child
updateR x (RChild a listCtx ctx) = RNode a (updateL (updateR x ctx) listCtx)