
时间:2019-11-30 13:26:33

标签: python matplotlib curve

我想找到两条曲线的交点。例如下面的示例。enter image description here 可以有多个交点。现在,我正在通过找到x,y坐标之间的距离来找到交点。但是这种方法有时无法在交点位于(17-18 x轴)之间时给出准确的点,如在图中所示。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public void ShowOpenQuestion(OpenQuestion oq)
    openQuestionPanel.Visible = true;
    multipleChoicePanel.Visible = false; // Hide other question type panels, currently there is only one more
    openQuestionLabel.Text = oq.QuestionString;
    openQuestionInputField.Text = string.Empty;

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)




import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

N = 12
t = np.linspace(0, 50, N)
curve1 = np.sin(t*.08+1.4)*np.random.uniform(0.5, 0.9) + 1
curve2 = -np.cos(t*.07+.1)*np.random.uniform(0.7, 1.0) + 1
# note that from now on, we don't have the exact formula of the curves, as we didn't save the random numbers
# we only have the points correspondent to the given t values

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, curve1,'b-')
ax.plot(t, curve1,'bo')
ax.plot(t, curve2,'r-')
ax.plot(t, curve2,'ro')

intersections = []
prev_dif = 0
t0, prev_c1, prev_c2 = None, None, None
for t1, c1, c2 in zip(t, curve1, curve2):
    new_dif = c2 - c1
    if np.abs(new_dif) < 1e-12: # found an exact zero, this is very unprobable
        intersections.append((t1, c1))
    elif new_dif * prev_dif < 0:  # the function changed signs between this point and the previous
        # do a linear interpolation to find the t between t0 and t1 where the curves would be equal
        # this is the intersection between the line [(t0, prev_c1), (t1, c1)] and the line [(t0, prev_c2), (t1, c2)]
        # because of the sign change, we know that there is an intersection between t0 and t1
        denom = prev_dif - new_dif
        intersections.append(((-new_dif*t0  + prev_dif*t1) / denom, (c1*prev_c2 - c2*prev_c1) / denom))
    t0, prev_c1, prev_c2, prev_dif = t1, c1, c2, new_dif

ax.plot(*zip(*intersections), 'go', alpha=0.7, ms=10)

illustrating plot