问题是,当我尝试更大的数据集时,错误以nan出现。 我不确定为什么会这样,但是在google colab中运行时,我也收到了python错误。
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:64: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Network Architecture:
Input Layer Number of Weights: 60
Hidden Layer 1 Number of Weights: 400
Output Layer Number of Weights: 20
Total Number of Weights: 480
Epoch: 1 ERROR: 8.148725708134741e-05
Epoch: 2 ERROR: 8.148670920765655e-05
Epoch: 3 ERROR: 8.14861613419593e-05
Epoch: 4 ERROR: 8.14856134840336e-05
Epoch: 5 ERROR: 8.148506563421254e-05
Epoch: 6 ERROR: 8.148451779205201e-05
Epoch: 7 ERROR: 8.148396995799612e-05
Epoch: 8 ERROR: 8.148342213176729e-05
Epoch: 9 ERROR: 8.148287431336554e-05
Epoch: 10 ERROR: 8.14823265030129e-05
Epoch: 11 ERROR: 8.148177870037632e-05
Epoch: 12 ERROR: 8.148123090584436e-05
Epoch: 13 ERROR: 8.148068311908396e-05
Epoch: 14 ERROR: 8.148013534031717e-05
Epoch: 15 ERROR: 8.147958756948848e-05
Final Accuracy: 99.99185204124305%
Network Architecture:
Input Layer Number of Weights: 260
Hidden Layer 1 Number of Weights: 400
Output Layer Number of Weights: 20
Total Number of Weights: 680
Epoch: 1 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 2 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 3 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 4 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 5 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 6 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 7 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 8 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 9 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 10 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 11 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 12 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 13 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 14 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 15 ERROR: nan
Final Accuracy: nan%
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:64: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
任何帮助都会很棒! 下面的完整脚本...
# Python 3
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
class Model:
def __init__(self, x, y, number_of_hidden_layers=2, number_of_hidden_nodes=30, quiet=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.number_of_hidden_layers = number_of_hidden_layers
self.number_of_hidden_nodes = number_of_hidden_nodes
self.input_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
self.hidden_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
self.output_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
#making a random, reproducible seed
input_shape = self.x[0].shape[0]
output_shape = self.y[0].shape[0]
number_of_hidden_nodes = self.number_of_hidden_nodes
number_of_hidden_layers = self.number_of_hidden_layers
#init the full lists of hidden plus 2 for input and output
self.W = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
self.A = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
self.D = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
input_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((input_shape,number_of_hidden_nodes)) - 1
self.W[0] = (input_layer_weights)
for i in range(number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((number_of_hidden_nodes,number_of_hidden_nodes)) - 1
self.W[i] = (hidden_layer_weights)
output_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((number_of_hidden_nodes,output_shape)) - 1
self.W[len(self.W)-1] = (output_layer_weights)
if quiet == False:
#show the architecture:
print ("Network Architecture:")
print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
total = 0
for count, i in enumerate(self.W):
total += (i.shape[0] * i.shape[1])
if count == 0:
print("Input Layer Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
elif count == (len(self.W)-1):
print("Output Layer Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
print("Hidden Layer " + str(count) + " Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
print("Total Number of Weights: ", total)
#nonlin func
def nonlin(self, x, deriv, function):
if function == "tanh":
if (deriv==True):
return dt
return t
elif function == "sigmoid":
if (deriv==True):
return (x * (1-x))
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
elif function == "leaky_relu":
if (deriv==True):
dx = np.ones_like(x)
dx[x < 0] = 0.01
return dx
return np.where(x > 0, x, x * 0.01)
def predict(self, x):
#forward pass
input_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(x, self.W[0]), False, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.A[0] = (input_layer_activation)
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.A[i-1], self.W[i]), False, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
output_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(hidden_layer_activation, self.W[len(self.W)-1]), False, self.output_layer_activation_function)
return output_layer_activation
def train(self, loss_function, epochs, alpha=0.001):
for j in range(epochs):
#forward pass
input_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.x, self.W[0]), False, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.A[0] = (input_layer_activation)
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.A[i-1], self.W[i]), False, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
self.A[i] = (hidden_layer_activation)
output_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(hidden_layer_activation, self.W[len(self.W)-1]), False, self.output_layer_activation_function)
self.A[len(self.A)-1] = (output_layer_activation)
#choose error in compile
#so output_layer_activation is the prediction!!!
if loss_function == "mse":
error = (self.y - output_layer_activation) **2
if loss_function == "mae":
error = np.abs(self.y - output_layer_activation)
if loss_function == "cce":
output_layer_activation = np.clip(output_layer_activation, 1e-12, 1. - 1e-12)
total_number = output_layer_activation.shape[0]
error = -np.sum(self.y*np.log(output_layer_activation+1e-9))/total_number
error = self.y - output_layer_activation
#print every n steps
divis = epochs//10
if (j % divis) == 0:
print ('Epoch: ' + str(j+1) + ' ERROR: ' + str(np.mean(np.abs(error))))
#backwards pass
output_delta = error * self.nonlin(output_layer_activation, True, self.output_layer_activation_function)
self.D[0] = output_delta
#setting working vars
working_delta = output_delta
past_layer_weights = self.W[len(self.W)-1]
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
working_index = i+1
hidden_layer_activation_error = working_delta.dot(past_layer_weights.T)
hidden_layer_activation_delta = hidden_layer_activation_error * self.nonlin(self.A[len(self.A)-working_index-1], True, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
self.D[working_index] = hidden_layer_activation_delta
working_delta = hidden_layer_activation_delta
past_layer_weights = self.W[len(self.W)-(working_index+1)]
input_layer_activation_error = self.D[working_index].dot(self.W[working_index].T)
input_layer_activation_delta = input_layer_activation_error * self.nonlin(input_layer_activation, True, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.D[working_index+1] = input_layer_activation_delta
#update weights
internal_alpha = alpha
self.W[len(W)-1] += input_layer_activation.T.dot(self.D[0]) * internal_alpha
for i,z in enumerate(range(number_of_hidden_layers,0,-1)):
i += 1
self.W[z] += self.A[i].T.dot(self.D[i]) * internal_alpha
self.W[0] += self.x.T.dot(self.D[len(self.D)-1]) * internal_alpha
#ending print out
print("Final Accuracy: " + str(np.abs((np.mean(np.abs(error)))-1)*100) + "%")
x = np.array([[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [1,1,1], [0,0,0]])
y = np.array([[0],[1],[1],[0]])
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
x = boston["data"]
y = boston["target"]
y = y.reshape((x.shape[0], 1))
model = Model(x, y, number_of_hidden_layers=1, number_of_hidden_nodes=20)
model.train("mse", 15, alpha=.001)
答案 0 :(得分:1)