变量在获得{{1 }}行。
missing value
我尝试使用save as
答案 0 :(得分:1)
“为什么会发生”的答案似乎是“这可能是计时问题”和“因为在Mac上从AppleScript和VBA自动化Word时存在许多问题,而微软尚未解决” 。除了通过Smiley机制或通过word.uservoice.com向Microsoft报告以外,我认为您无能为力。在uservoice上,如果有现有请求,最好添加您的投票。但是根本没有理由相信微软现在甚至会承认或解决非常严重的自动化问题。
set _doc to open _file
在这里,我发现“延迟5”足以解决您报告的问题,但是长期以来存在一个问题,其中“ _doc”变量在另存为后变为无效。我有一个解决方案,可以在Windows中进行迭代,因此将这个脚本放在一起 一种。应该尽可能减少延迟 b。在这里可以处理简单的测试数据,但可以改进,尤其是在错误检查方面
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "Finder"
set _folder to choose folder
set _files to files of _folder
repeat with _file in _files
if creator type of _file is "MSWD" then
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set doc_count to (count of documents)
open _file
-- You have to set the maximum no. of repeats
-- high enough for your system
set repeats to 50
repeat until (count of documents) > doc_count or repeats = 0
set repeats to repeats - 1
end repeat
if (count of documents) > doc_count then
set _doc to (document (doc_count + 1))
set _windows to the windows
repeat with _window in _windows
if the full name of the document of _window is the full name of _doc then
set _windowIndex to the entry_index of _window
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- you need to create a new file name for each file.
-- this is a temporary kludge
set _textfilename to (posix full name of _doc) & ".txt"
save as _doc file name _textfilename file format format text
-- _doc now invalid, we need to "reconnect"
set _windows to the windows
repeat with _window in _windows
if the entry_index of _window is _windowIndex then
set _doc to the document of _window
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
close _doc saving no
-- you can make this more informative, and you might still need to
-- try to close something.
display dialog "Could not open document: " & POSIX path of _file
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell