
时间:2019-11-16 08:37:44

标签: python pandas sorting hierarchical



CATEGORY                            AMOUNT
Transport                           5000
Transport : Car                     4900
Transport : Train                   100
Household                           1100
Household : Utilities               600
Household : Utilities : Water       400
Household : Utilities : Electric    200
Household : Cleaning                100
Household : Cleaning : Bathroom     75
Household : Cleaning : Kitchen      25
Household : Rent                    400
Living                              250
Living : Other                      150
Living : Food                       100

编辑: 数据框:

    "category": ["Transport", "Transport : Car", "Transport : Train", "Household", "Household : Utilities", "Household : Utilities : Water", "Household : Utilities : Electric", "Household : Cleaning", "Household : Cleaning : Bathroom", "Household : Cleaning : Kitchen", "Household : Rent", "Living", "Living : Other", "Living : Food"],
    "amount": [5000, 4900, 100, 1100, 600, 400, 200, 100, 75, 25, 400, 250, 150, 100]


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


df_ = df['category'].str.split(' : ', expand=True)
print (df_.head())
           0          1     2
0  Transport       None  None
1  Transport        Car  None
2  Transport      Train  None
3  Household       None  None
4  Household  Utilities  None


  • 仅第一列
  • 然后第一列和第二列
  • 然后第一,第二和第三列...


s = df['amount']
l_cols = list(df_.columns)
dfa = pd.concat([s.groupby([df_[col] for col in range(0, lv+1)]).transform('max')
                  for lv in l_cols], keys=l_cols, axis=1)
print (dfa)
       0       1      2
0   5000     NaN    NaN
1   5000  4900.0    NaN
2   5000   100.0    NaN
3   1100     NaN    NaN
4   1100   600.0    NaN
5   1100   600.0  400.0
6   1100   600.0  200.0
7   1100   100.0    NaN
8   1100   100.0   75.0
9   1100   100.0   25.0
10  1100   400.0    NaN
11   250     NaN    NaN
12   250   150.0    NaN
13   250   100.0    NaN

现在,您只需要按正确的顺序依次在所有列上依次sort_values,首先是0,然后是1,然后是2 ...,获取索引并使用loc以预期的方式对df进行排序

dfa = dfa.sort_values(l_cols, na_position='first', ascending=False)
dfs = df.loc[dfa.index] #here you can reassign to df directly
print (dfs)
                            category  amount
0                          Transport    5000
1                    Transport : Car    4900
2                  Transport : Train     100
3                          Household    1100
4              Household : Utilities     600
5      Household : Utilities : Water     400
6   Household : Utilities : Electric     200
10                  Household : Rent     400 #here is the one difference with this data
7               Household : Cleaning     100
8    Household : Cleaning : Bathroom      75
9     Household : Cleaning : Kitchen      25
11                            Living     250
12                    Living : Other     150
13                     Living : Food     100

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我打包了@Ben。 T的答案进入了一个更通用的函数,希望阅读起来更清楚!


import pandas as pd

def category_sort_df(df, sep, category_col, numeric_col, ascending=False):
    '''Sorts dataframe by nested categories using `sep` as the delimiter for `category_col`.
    Sorts numeric columns in descending order by default.

    Returns a copy.'''
    df = df.copy()
        to_sort = pd.to_numeric(df[numeric_col])
    except ValueError:
        print(f'Column `{numeric_col}` is not numeric!')
    categories = df[category_col].str.split(sep, expand=True)
    # Strips any white space before and after sep
    categories = categories.apply(lambda x: x.str.split().str[0], axis=1)
    levels = list(categories.columns)
    to_concat = []
    for level in levels:
        # Group by columns in order rather than one at a time
        level_by = [df_[col] for col in range(0, level+1)]
        gb = to_sort.groupby(level_by)
    dfa = pd.concat(to_concat, keys=levels, axis=1)
    ixs = dfa.sort_values(levels, na_position='first', ascending=False).index
    df = df.loc[ixs].copy()
    return df

使用Python 3.7.3,熊猫0.24.2

答案 2 :(得分:0)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def sort_tree_df(df, tree_column, sort_column):
    sort_key = sort_column + '_abs'
    df[sort_key] = df[sort_column].abs()
    df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(
        df[tree_column].str.split(":").apply(lambda x: [y.strip() for y in x]).apply(pd.Series))
    sort_columns = [df[tree_column].values, df[sort_key].values] + [
        df.groupby(level=list(range(0, x)))[sort_key].transform('max').values
        for x in range(df.index.nlevels - 1, 0, -1)
    sort_indexes = np.lexsort(sort_columns)
    df_sorted = df.iloc[sort_indexes[::-1]]
    df_sorted.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    df_sorted.drop(sort_key, axis=1, inplace=True)
    return df_sorted

sort_tree_df(df, 'category', 'amount')

答案 3 :(得分:0)


df['main_category'] = df.category.str.extract(r'^([^ ]+)')
df.sort_values(['main_category', 'amount', 'category'], ascending=False)[['category', 'amount']]


                            category  amount
0                          Transport    5000
1                    Transport : Car    4900
2                  Transport : Train     100
11                            Living     250
12                    Living : Other     150
13                     Living : Food     100
3                          Household    1100
4              Household : Utilities     600
5      Household : Utilities : Water     400
10                  Household : Rent     400
6   Household : Utilities : Electric     200
7               Household : Cleaning     100
8    Household : Cleaning : Bathroom      75
9     Household : Cleaning : Kitchen      25


df['main_category'] = df.category.str.extract(r'^([^:]+)')
df['main_category'] = df.main_category.str.rstrip()