public static double FindTheKSmallest(double[] tab, int find)
//the method is searching for the k-th SMALLEST element in the array and returns the result as tab[k]: smallest element (find=1) is tab[0], second smallest (isci=2) is tab[1]...
int k = find - 1;
if (tab == null || tab.Length <= k)
throw new Exception("This table doesn't exist or has incorrect parameters");
int fromWhere = 0, toEnd = tab.Length - 1;
while (fromWhere < toEnd)
int leftBorder = fromWhere;
int rightBorder = toEnd;
double Middle = tab[(leftBorder + rightBorder) / 2];
// We repeat until the left and right border meet
while (leftBorder < rightBorder)
if (tab[leftBorder] >= Middle)
// We move the bigger numbers to the right border
double tmp = tab[rightBorder];
tab[rightBorder] = tab[leftBorder];
tab[leftBorder] = tmp;
//value is smaller than the pivot, so we ignore it
// if we went through the middle, we go one step back
if (tab[leftBorder] > Middle)
//indeks leftBorder is at the end of the first k elements
if (k <= leftBorder)
toEnd = leftBorder;
fromWhere = leftBorder + 1;
return tab[k];
static void Main(string[] args)
double[] tab = { 3, 5, 8, 1, 9, 6, 5 };
Console.WriteLine(FindTheKSmallest(tab, 2)); //it should be 8