
时间:2011-05-04 02:05:21

标签: asp-classic


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


ASP错误?然后你必须使用ON ERROR RESUME NEXT运行所有代码+在每个站点上写一个错误处理程序。那些例如您可以通过SSI包含在所有页面上。

由于经典的asp是单元线程模型,所以你不能真正地异步执行此操作!但是你可以写一个COM +组件。这个组件有一个方法,然后你传递err.number,description,source(+可能是Request.ServerVariables(“URL”))ByVal,然后快速返回。在组件内部,您可以启动异步线程来编写日志文件或将错误写入任何数据库。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

并非完全符合您的要求,但这是适用于Chrome的ASP经典日志记录解决方案,可提供与javascript console.log()等相当一致的体验。 日志记录将JS注入响应并登录到开发人员控制台(F12) 单元测试和样本使用-内部 注意事项:避免出现“脚本中的脚本”情况


' log from ASP lines to chrome dev console - using the same javascript syntax
' ref: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/console/api#dir

' to add this to your asp page:
' <!--#Include file ="log.asp"-->

' sample usage - see unit test at bottom

' to turn logging ON, you have those options:
'  console.active = true
'  run on localhost
'  add queryString log=1  (e.g. www.myweb.com?log=1)

class oConsole
    private isActive
    private oGroup
    private mGroupLabel
    private mGroupType
    Private Sub Class_Initialize(  )
        isActive = (Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") = "localhost") or _
                   (request.queryString("log") = "1") or _
        set oGroup = nothing
    end sub

    Public Property Let active(a)
        isActive = a
        session("log") = cBool(a)
    End Property

    public property get active
      active = isActive
    end property

    private sub script(func, text)
        if not isActive then exit sub
        text = replace(text, """", "\""")
        if not oGroup is nothing then
            oGroup.add oGroup.count, func & "(""" & text & """)"
            Response.Write "<script language=javascript>console." & func & "(""" & text & """)</script>" & vbCrLf
        end if
    end sub

    public sub log(Text)
        script "log", Text
    end sub

    public sub Warn(w)
        script "warn", w
    end sub

    public sub error(e)
        if e = "" then e = "Error 0x" & hex(err.number) & " " & err.description
        script "error", e
    end sub

    public sub assert(cond, message)
        if not cond then script "assert", """,""" & message
    end sub

    public sub logVar(Variable)
        log Variable & "=" & eval(Variable) 
    end sub

    public sub clear
        if not isActive then exit sub
        response.write "<script language=javascript>console.clear()</script>"  & vbCrLf
    end sub

    public sub group(label)
        set oGroup = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        mGroupLabel = label
        mGroupType = "group"
    end sub

    public sub groupCollapsed(label)
        group label
        mGroupType = "groupCollapsed"
    end sub

    public sub groupEnd
        if isNull(oGroup) then exit sub
        Response.Write "<script language=javascript>" & vbCrLf
        response.write "console." & mGroupType & "(""" & mGroupLabel & """)" & vbCrLf
        dim X
        for each X in oGroup
            response.write "console." & oGroup.item(X) & vbCrLf 
        response.write "console.groupEnd()" & vbCrLf
        response.write "</script>" & vbCrLf
        set oGroup = nothing
    end sub

end class

dim console
set console = new oConsole

sub logTest
    if not console.active then
      console.active = true
      console.warn "logging activated for testing"
    end if
    console.log "hello "
    console.warn "warning"
    console.error "error"
    console.assert true, "should not see this"
    console.assert false, "Assertion"
    on error resume next
    console.Error "" ' logs the Err object
    on error goto 0
    console.logVar "now"
    console.groupCollapsed "My collapsed group"
        console.log "L1"
        console.warn "W1"
        console.error "E1"
    console.group "My group"
        console.log "L1"
        console.warn "W1"
        console.error "E1"
    console.active = false
    console.error "can't see this"
    console.active = true
    console.log "should see that"
end sub


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