Pandas / Excel-值作为新列标题

时间:2019-11-08 04:55:18

标签: excel pandas pandas-groupby


awk '                          ##Starting awk program here.
BEGIN{                         ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","                   ##Setting FS and OFS as comma here.
}                              ##Closing BLOCK for BEGIN section here.
!b[$3]++{                      ##Checking condition if $3 is NOT present in array b then do following + it is placing $3 in array b.
  c[++count]=$3                ##Creating an array named c whose index is variable count and value is $3, variable count value is keep increasing with 1.
}                              ##Closing BLOCK for array b condition here.
  a[$3]+=$4                    ##Creating an array named a with index $3 and value is $4 and its keep adding its value to its own same index value.
END{                           ##Starting END section of this program here.
  for(i=1;i<=count;i++){       ##Starting for loop from i=1 to till value of count variable here.
    print c[i],a[c[i]]         ##Printing array c value index variable i and printing array a value whose index is array c with index variable i.
  }                            ##Closing BLOCK for, for loop here.
}                              ##Closing BLOCK for END section of this program here.
'  Input_file                  ##Mentioning Input_file name here.


Name    Question     Points
a       q1           2
a       q2           4
a       q3           1
b       q1           5
b       q2           3


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