我在Visual Basic 6中工作。我从vb6命令打开了一个Excel文件,然后将其关闭。现在我想获取文件状态。怎么知道该文件已关闭或打开?请给我从Visual Basic 6获取某个文件的打开或关闭状态的syntex。或者换句话说,我通过vb santax打开了一个excel文件然后再打开同一个文件然后应该响应这个文件已经开放,请选择另一个。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
怎么样?Option Explicit
Private Function FileStatus(ByVal FileName As String) As VbTriState
Dim intFile As Integer
On Error Resume Next
GetAttr FileName
If Err.Number Then
FileStatus = vbUseDefault 'File doesn't exist or file server not available.
intFile = FreeFile(0)
Open FileName For Binary Lock Read Write As #intFile
If Err.Number Then
FileStatus = vbFalse 'File already open.
Close #intFile
FileStatus = vbTrue 'File available and not open by anyone.
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub cmdGetStatus_Click()
Select Case FileStatus(txtFileName.Text)
Case vbUseDefault
MsgBox "File doesn't exist or file server not available"
Case vbFalse
MsgBox "File already open"
Case vbTrue
MsgBox "File available and not open by anyone"
End Select
End Sub