
时间:2019-10-28 16:26:34

标签: ios swift uiimage cgimage

因此为问题提供了一个UIImage,然后使用ImageCrop类对其进行裁剪。然后,当我将裁剪后的图像读入ImagePixelHelper类时,如果裁剪后的图像具有与预期数量不同的字节数,它将停止正常工作。 例如,裁剪UIImage之后,我们通过执行以下操作来计算图像数据数组的预期长度:

  • image.size.width * image.size.height * 3用于RGB
  • image.size.width * image.size.height * 4用于RGBA



  • ImageCrop类用于使用给定的CGRect裁剪给定的UIImage
  • ImagePixelHelper类处理给定X,Y坐标处的像素颜色
  • 两个类均经过测试,可以独立运行,但一起工作时会中断

    /// Helper class for cropping images
    class ImageCrop
        /// Function crops the image to the given rect and returns a new image
        /// - Parameter rect: The rect to crop to
        /// - Returns: A new image which is cropped to the rect passed in
        static func crop(image:UIImage, rect:CGRect) -> UIImage
            let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
            let drawRect = CGRect(x: -rect.origin.x, y: -rect.origin.y,
                              width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height)
            context?.clip(to: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0,
                                 width: rect.size.width, height: rect.size.height + 1))
            image.draw(in: drawRect)
            let subImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
            return subImage!


    /// Helper class finds pixels values within the given image
    class ImagePixelHelper
        /// The image to find pixels in
        private let image: UIImage

        /// The image data
        private var data:UnsafePointer<UInt8>?

        /// The expected length of the image data
        private var expectedLengthA:Int?

        /// The expected rgb length of the image
        private var expectedLengthRGB:Int?

        /// The expected rgba length of the image
        private var expectedLengthRGBA:Int?

        /// The actual number of bytes in the image
        private var numBytes: CFIndex?

        private var pixelData: CFData?

        /// Default constructor for the ImagePixelHelper
        /// - Parameter image: The image to find pixels in
        init(image: UIImage)
            self.image = image

        /// Function loads all the image data for quick access later
        func loadImageData() throws
            // Get the image as a CGImage
            let cgImage : CGImage = image.cgImage!

            pixelData = cgImage.dataProvider?.data

            // Get the pointer to the start of the array
            data = CFDataGetBytePtr(self.pixelData)!

            // Calculate the expected lengths
            expectedLengthA = Int(image.size.width * image.size.height)
            expectedLengthRGB = 3 * expectedLengthA!
            expectedLengthRGBA = 4 * expectedLengthA!

            // Get the length of the data
            numBytes = CFDataGetLength(pixelData)

        /// Function sets all member vars to nil to help speed up GC
        func unloadImageData()
            data = nil
            expectedLengthA = nil
            expectedLengthRGB = nil
            expectedLengthRGBA = nil
            numBytes = nil

        /// Function gets the pixel colour from the given image using the provided x y coordinates
        /// - Parameter pixelX: The X Pixel coordinate
        /// - Parameter pixelY: The Y Pixel coordinate
        /// - Parameter bgr: Whether we should return BGR, by default this is true so must be set if you want RGB
        func getPixelValueFromImage(pixelX: Int, pixelY:Int, bgr: Bool = true) -> UIColor
            // If we have all the required member vars for this operation
            if  let data = self.data,
                let expectedLengthA = self.expectedLengthA,
                let expectedLengthRGB = self.expectedLengthRGB,
                let expectedLengthRGBA = self.expectedLengthRGBA,
                let numBytes = self.numBytes
                // Get the index of the pixel we want
                let index = Int(image.size.width) * pixelY + pixelX

                // Check the number of bytes
                switch numBytes
                    case expectedLengthA:
                        return UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: CGFloat(data[index])/255.0)
                    case expectedLengthRGB:
                        if bgr
                            return UIColor(red: CGFloat(data[3*index+2])/255.0, green: CGFloat(data[3*index+1])/255.0, blue: CGFloat(data[3*index])/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
                            return UIColor(red: CGFloat(data[3*index])/255.0, green: CGFloat(data[3*index+1])/255.0, blue: CGFloat(data[3*index+2])/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
                    case expectedLengthRGBA:
                        if bgr
                            return UIColor(red: CGFloat(data[4*index+2])/255.0, green: CGFloat(data[4*index+1])/255.0, blue: CGFloat(data[4*index])/255.0, alpha: CGFloat(data[4*index+3])/255.0)
                            return UIColor(red: CGFloat(data[4*index])/255.0, green: CGFloat(data[4*index+1])/255.0, blue: CGFloat(data[4*index+2])/255.0, alpha: CGFloat(data[4*index+3])/255.0)
                        // unsupported format
                        return UIColor.clear
                // Something didnt load properly or has been destroyed
                return UIColor.clear


let image = UIImage(named: "SomeImage")!

let croppedImage = ImageCrop.crop(image: image, rect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))

let imagePixelHelper = ImagePixelHelper(image: croppedImage)

for x in 0 ... Int(croppedImage.size.width)
    for y in 0 ... Int(croppedImage.size.height)
        let colour = imagePixelHelper.getPixelValueFromImage(pixelX: x, pixelY: y)

这将仅打印UIColour.CLEAR,因为croppedImage是未知格式/大小比我们预期的大。然后,在调试器中查看imagePixelHelper变量,对于100 * 100的图像,数据数组的预期长度如下:

  • expectedLengthA = 10000
  • expectedLengthRGB = 30000
  • expectedLengthRGBA = 40000

然后实际找到的数据数组长度为41600,图像数据的数组大于预期的长度,这就是问题所在。 在快速文档中进行了一些挖掘之后,我们发现我们可能使用了错误类型的Graphics上下文来裁剪图像,这表明我们改为使用UIGraphicsImageRenderer。但是我很难找到/创建一个可行的裁剪实现。


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