include c:\asmio\
includelib c:\asmio\asm32.lib
includelib c:\asmio\User32.lib ; SASM files for I/O
includelib c:\asmio\Kernel32.lib ; SASM files for I/O
input proto ; 0 parameters
Factorial proto nvx: dword ; 1 parameter
Print proto nax: dword, nf: dword ; 2 parameters
; -------------------------------------------------------
.const ; Section to declare and initialize constants
NULL = 0
; -------------------------------------------------------
.data ; Section to declare and initialize variables
nvx dword ?
nfx dword ?
nf dword ?
ask byte "Enter a number between 1-12: ", NULL
fin byte "! is ", NULL
; -------------------------------------------------------
.code ; The actual code begins here: Main program
main proc ; Just like C++ this is the main program
invoke input
mov nvx, eax
invoke Factorial, nvx
mov nfx, eax
invoke Print, nvx, nfx
ret 0 ; need this line to return to caller
main endp ; End of the procedure main
; -------------------------------------------------------
input proc
mov edx, OFFSET ask
call WriteString
call ReadInt
input endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
Factorial proc USES ECX EAX EBX nv: dword
mov ecx, nv ;start loop counter at value given by user because we need to multiply this many times to find the factorial.
mov ebx, nv ; hold value of nv as divisor
inc nv ; This is to account for 0! We increment by one and after the loop divide by nv
mov eax, nv ; stores the largest number for multiplication
dec nv ; becomes next largest number
mul nv ; multiplication
mov eax, edx ; stores product into eax for next multiplication
loop L1
inc ebx
idiv ebx ; divide final product by original number +1 for the correct factorial
Factorial endp
Print proc nax: dword, na: dword
mov eax, nvx
call WriteString
mov eax, OFFSET fin
call WriteString
mov eax, na
call WriteString
Print endp
end main ; End of the entire program
; -------------------------------------------------------
大家好,我的任务是编写我的第一个汇编代码,该代码使用用户输入的1-12之间的数字并输出阶乘。我需要编写3个过程,一个用于输入,一个用于计算阶乘,另一个用于打印结果。我相信我已经正确编写了(我没有写),但是在从用户那里得到输入后,程序终止了。我从未看到“打印”过程的结果。 尝试调试我的代码时,出现错误:
Entry point was not found! Entry point should have label "main" (if gcc linker is used) or "start" (otherwise).
但是我不确定该如何解决。 任何想法?非常感谢大家今天帮助我解决了问题!