
时间:2019-10-24 23:16:41

标签: assembly dos x86-16



例如输入5,2,4,7,1 9-5 = 4,9-2 = 7,9-4 = 5,9-7 = 2,9-1 = 8 那么我们需要将结果相加,以便4 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 8 = 26




.model small
.stack 100h

 num1 db
 num2 db 9
 result db ?
 sum db

 msg1 db 10, 13,"Enter a number: $", 10, 13
 msg2 db 10, 13,"Difference is: $",10, 13
 msg3 db 10, 13,"Sum is: $",10, 13

     main proc

     mov ax, @data
        mov ds, ax

        mov cx,5


        mov dx, offset msg1
        mov ah,9 ; used to print the string/msg with
        int 21h ;this

        mov ah, 1 ;READ a Character from Console,
                  ;Echo it on screen and save the
                  ;value entered in AL register
        int 21h

        sub al, 30h ;keep the value enter in bcd form
        mov num1, al ;move num1 to al
        ;al is used for input

        ;sub al, 30h
        mov al, num2 ;move num2 to al

        sub al, num1 ;

        mov result, al ;move whats in al to result

        mov bl,al
        add sum,bl
        ;add al,sum

        mov ah,0 ;clears whats in ah
        aaa ;used to convert the result to bcd
        ;and first digit is stored in ah
        ;second digit stored in al

        add ah, 30h ;convert whats in ah to ascii by adding 30h
        add al, 30h ;convert whats in al to ascii by adding 30h
        mov bx, ax ;saving whats in ah and al in bx register

        mov dx, offset msg2
        mov ah,9 ; used to print the string/msg  
        int 21h

        ;the following is used to print whats in the bh register
        ;dl is used for output
        ;2 or 2h means to write/print whats in dl
        ;so the value to be printed is moved to dl
        mov ah,2
        mov dl, bh
        int 21h

        ;the following is used to print whats in bl
        mov ah,2
        mov dl, bl
        int 21h

        loop process

        mov dx, offset msg3
        mov ah,9 ; used to print the string/msg  
        int 21h

        mov ah,2
        mov dl, bh
        int 21h

        ;the following is used to print whats in bl
        mov ah,2
        mov dl, bl
        int 21h

     mov ah, 4ch ;4ch means to return to OS i.e. the end
     ;of program
     int 21h
    main endp ;ends the code
end main ;ends main


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

"status_message": "Found route between points",
"route_geometry": "m{`G_cyxRaAmALMtAyAj@g@RIZG|@KTC??RCxBQ\\KAOa@sDAQWwBM_AUmBEa@Ky@_@kDKoAIgAAs@Ce@?M|@_@PINUFk@Ik@e@aCu@wBeBoD_A}AmBqC{@iA_AeAyAqA{LmKmAu@k@g@y@Jk@r@k@r@GP@PFJhAt@oEnGw@i@QTMPs@g@}AzBr@d@JQ",
"status": 0,
"route_instructions": [
        "SINARAN DRIVE",
        "North East",
        "Head Northeast On Sinaran Drive"
"route_name": [
"route_summary": {
    "start_point": "SINARAN DRIVE",
    "end_point": "WHAMPOA ROAD",
    "total_time": 390,
    "total_distance": 2675
"viaRoute": "JALAN BAHAGIA",
"subtitle": "Fastest route, assuming usual traffic",
"phyroute": {
    "status_message": "Found route between points",
    "route_geometry": "m{`G_cyxRaAmALMtAyAj@g@RIZG|@KTC??Ao@BcB?kCBIHK|Ay@M_AUmBEa@Ky@_@kDKoAIgAAs@Ce@?M?OBw@BsCEq@Q{@Qm@KQGMaCNM@iFXO?sCNo@LCa@QaICe@EI?EBQTi@Ha@@c@CMGWOYOOgEgD{BeBuB}AoEnGw@i@QTMPs@g@}AzBr@d@JQ",
    "status": 0,
    "route_instructions": [
            "SINARAN DRIVE",
            "North East",
            "Head Northeast On Sinaran Drive"
    "route_name": [
    "route_summary": {
    "viaRoute": "BALESTIER ROAD",
    "subtitle": "Shortest distance"

这缺少一个操作数。写下sum db



在显示第三条消息和相应值之间,您忘记了重新计算sum db 0的必需内容。您只是简单地重用了其中已有的内容!