为了绕过桌面Word api中255个字符的搜索限制,我将长字符串分成254个字符的可搜索块,并将其推入对象“ oSearchTerms”。然后,我尝试遍历oSearchTerms,搜索文本,将其突出显示,然后搜索下一个块,并进行相同的操作,直到oSearchTerms中的所有项目都被突出显示为止。问题是它没有循环。它成功通过了第一次迭代,但是停止了。
var fullSearchTerm = "As discussed earlier, one of the primary objectives of these DYH rules is to ensure that operators have at least one source of XYZ-approved data and documents that they can use to comply with operational requirements The objective would be defeated if the required data and documents were not, in fact, approved and Only by retaining authority to approve these materials can we ensure that they comply with applicable requirements and can be relied upon by operators to comply with operational rules which We believe there are differences between EXSS ICA and other ICA that necessitate approval of EVIS ICA."
function findTextMatch() {
Word.run(function(context) {
OfficeExtension.config.extendedErrorLogging = true;
var oSearchTerms = [];
var maxChars = 254;
var lenFullSearchTerm = fullSearchTerm.length;
var nSearchCycles = Math.ceil(Number((lenFullSearchTerm / maxChars)));
console.log("lenFullSearchTerm: " + lenFullSearchTerm + " nSearchCycles: " + nSearchCycles);
// create oSearchTerms object containing search terms
// leaves short strings alone but breaks long strings into
// searchable 254 character chunks
for (var i = 0; i < nSearchCycles; i++) {
var posStart = i * maxChars;
var mySrch = fullSearchTerm.substr(posStart, maxChars);
console.log( i +" mySrch: "+ mySrch);
var oSrch = {"searchterm":mySrch};
console.log("oSearchTerms.length: " + oSearchTerms.length +" oSearchTerm: "+ JSON.stringify(oSearchTerms));
// Begin search loop
// iterate over oSearchTerms, find and highlight each searchterm
for (var i = 0; i < oSearchTerms.length; i++) {
console.log("oSearchTerms["+i+"].searchterm: " + JSON.stringify(oSearchTerms[i].searchterm));
var searchResults = context.document.body.search(oSearchTerms[i].searchterm, { matchCase: true });
console.log("do context.sync() ");
return context.sync()
console.log("done context.sync() ");
console.log("searchResults: "+ JSON.stringify(searchResults));
if(typeof searchResults.items !== undefined){
console.log("i: "+i+ " searchResults: "+searchResults.items.length);
// highlight each result
for (var j = 0; j < searchResults.items.length; j++) {
console.log("highlight searchResults.items["+j +"]");
searchResults.items[j].font.highlightColor = "red";
console.log("typeof searchResults.items == undefined");
// return true;
// return context.sync();
//return true;
} // end search loop
.catch( function (error) {
console.log('findTextMatch Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log('findTextMatch Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
答案 0 :(得分:0)
。这可能会影响性能,并使代码难以推理。请参阅我对Document not in sync after replace text的回答和本示例:Word Add-in Stylechecker的避免这种情况的设计模式。如果需要,该模式可以与ES5语法一起使用。