我正在写一个索引文档的工具。我有一长串数百种甚至数千种固定模式。例如。我的索引可能看起来像{"cat training":"p.27", "cat handling":"p.29", "cat":"p.15", "dog training":"p.62", "dog":"p.60"}
现在,我想在我的文本(出于参数考虑,每个段落是一个字符串)中搜索索引中任何子字符串的所有实例。 (在搜索过程中,我将按长度对键进行排序,如图所示,以便“猫训练”在“猫”之前匹配。)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Aho-Corasick algorithm是为解决此类问题而开发的。
它用于回答先前的堆栈溢出问题about matching a large number of patterns。
为word boundaries修改Aho-Corasick算法的过程
答案 1 :(得分:0)
为了回馈社区,这里是我在 Python 中实现的 Aho-Corasick。我将其发布到公共领域。
class AhoCorasick(object):
"""Aho-Corasick algorithm. Searches a string for any of
a number of substrings.
Usage: Create a list or other iterator of (needle, value) pairs.
aho_tree = AhoCorasick(needlevaluelist)
results = aho_tree.findAll(haystack)
for result in results:
# Each result is a tuple: (index, length, needle, value)
values can be literally anything.
Author: Edward Falk
def __init__(self, patternlist=None):
self.root = None
if patternlist:
def buildStateMachine(self, patternlist):
root = self.__buildTree(patternlist)
queue = []
for node in root.goto.itervalues():
node.fail = root
while queue:
rnode = queue.pop(0)
for key, unode in rnode.goto.iteritems():
fnode = rnode.fail
while fnode != None and key not in fnode.goto:
fnode = fnode.fail
unode.fail = fnode.goto[key] if fnode else root
unode.output += unode.fail.output
return root
def findAll(self, string, start=0):
'''Search this string for items in the dictionary. Return a list of
(index, len, key, value) tuples.'''
node = self.root
for i,ch in enumerate(string[start:]):
while node is not None and ch not in node.goto:
node = node.fail
if node is None:
node = self.root
node = node.goto[ch]
for word,value in node.output:
l = len(word)
yield (i-l+1, l, word, value)
def __buildTree(self, patternlist):
"""patternlist is a list (or any iterator) of (string,value) pairs."""
root = AhoCorasick.Node()
for word,value in patternlist:
node = root
for ch in word:
if ch not in node.goto:
node.goto[ch] = AhoCorasick.Node()
node = node.goto[ch]
self.root = root
return root
class Node(object):
'''Aho-Corasick algorithm. Each node represents a state in the
state machine.'''
def __init__(self):
self.goto = {} # Map input to next state
self.fail = None # Map state to next state when character doesn't match
self.output = [] # Map state to all index entries for that state
def __repr__(self):
return '<Node: %d goto, %d output>' % \
(len(self.goto), len(self.output))
def dump(self, name, indent):
print "%s%s: AhoCorasickNode: %d goto, output %s, fail=%s" % \
(" "*indent, name, len(self.goto), self.output, self.fail)
for k,v in self.goto.iteritems():
v.dump(k, indent+1)