我正在尝试将大量数据转换为文本的书面说明。例如将YYYY #######转换为“ 4位数字,7位数字”,将YYMMDD-####转换为“ 2位数字,2位数字,2位数字,连字符,4位数字”
常量字符为Y,M,D,#,-和X(X表示未定义的字母字符)。有一些已定义的字母字符(Y,M,D和X从未分别用于除Year,Month,Day和Alpha之外的其他任何东西),即我想尝试的(RP-YYYY #####)捕获这些字符(常量字符以外的任何字符)并按原样声明它们。因此,RP-YYYY #####的书面文字应为“ RP,hypen,4位数字年份,5位数字”
Sub getcharacters()
Dim casenumber As String
casenumber = Range("A1")
InitialCount = Len(casenumber)
YearDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "Y", ""))
MonthDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "MM", ""))
DayDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "DD", ""))
NumberDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "#", ""))
AlphaDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "X", ""))
HyphenDigits = Len(casenumber) - Len(Replace(casenumber, "-", ""))
FinalCount = InitialCount - YearDigits - MonthDigits - DayDigits - Digits - AlphaDigits
If YearDigits = "0" Then WrittenYear = ""
If YearDigits = "2" Then WrittenYear = "Two digit year"
If YearDigits = "4" Then WrittenYear = "Four digit year"
If MonthDigits = "0" Then WrittenMonth = "" Else WrittenMonth = "Two digit month"
If DayDigits = "0" Then WrittenDay = "" Else WrittenDay = "Two digit day"
If NumberDigits = "0" Then WrittenDigits = "" Else WrittenDigits = NumberDigits & " digits"
If AlphaDigits = "0" Then WrittenAlpha = "" Else WrittenAlpha = AlphaDigits & " alpha characters"
WrittenCaseNumber = WrittenYear & WrittenMonth & WrittenDay & WrittenDigits & WrittenAlpha
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Private DictAlphaCharacters As Scripting.Dictionary
Private Sub InitializeDictAlphaCharacters()
Set DictAlphaCharacters = New Scripting.Dictionary
DictAlphaCharacters.Add "Y", "digit year"
DictAlphaCharacters.Add "M", "digit month"
DictAlphaCharacters.Add "D", "digit day"
DictAlphaCharacters.Add "#", "numeric digits"
End Sub
Public Function DescribeThis(s As String) As String
If DictAlphaCharacters Is Nothing Then InitializeDictAlphaCharacters
Dim tmpStr As String: tmpStr = s
Dim regEx As New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
Dim matches As MatchCollection
Dim m As Match
Dim k As Variant ' Dictionary key.
Dim alpha As String ' The corresponding sentence for an alpha char.
Dim l As Integer ' Length of the matched string (consecutive alpha chars).
Dim w As String ' The corresponding word of a digit.
For Each k In DictAlphaCharacters.Keys
alpha = DictAlphaCharacters.Item(k)
regEx.Pattern = k & "{1,9}"
Set matches = regEx.Execute(tmpStr)
For Each m In matches
l = m.Length
w = DigitToWord(l)
' Pattern ex. = "([^Y])?,?Y{2}(?!Y)"
regEx.Pattern = "([^" & k & "])?,?" & k & "{" & l & "}(?!" & k & ")"
' Replacement example: "$1,Two digit year,"
tmpStr = regEx.Replace(tmpStr, "$1," & w & " " & alpha & ",")
regEx.Pattern = ",?-,?"
tmpStr = regEx.Replace(tmpStr, ",hyphen,")
regEx.Pattern = "^,+|,+$"
DescribeThis = regEx.Replace(tmpStr, "")
End Function
Public Function DigitToWord(d As Integer) As String
Select Case d
Case 1: DigitToWord = "One"
Case 2: DigitToWord = "Two"
Case 3: DigitToWord = "Three"
Case 4: DigitToWord = "Four"
Case 5: DigitToWord = "Five"
Case 6: DigitToWord = "Six"
Case 7: DigitToWord = "Seven"
Case 8: DigitToWord = "Eight"
Case 9: DigitToWord = "Nine"
End Select
End Function
Sub Test()
Debug.Print DescribeThis("YYYY#######")
Debug.Print DescribeThis("YYMMDD-####")
Debug.Print DescribeThis("RP-YYYY#####")
Debug.Print DescribeThis("YYYMMM-YYMM")
End Sub
Four digit year,Seven numeric digits
Two digit year,Two digit month,Two digit day,hyphen,Four numeric digits
RP,hyphen,Four digit year,Five numeric digits
Three digit year,Three digit month,hyphen,Two digit year,Two digit month
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
'set reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Function convStr(S As String) As String
Dim myDict As Dictionary
Dim sRes() As String
Dim I As Long
Dim CH As String
Set myDict = New Dictionary
myDict.CompareMode = TextCompare
myDict.Add "Y", "digit year"
myDict.Add "M", "digit month"
myDict.Add "D", "digit day"
myDict.Add "#", "numeric digits"
myDict.Add "-", "hyphen"
ReDim sRes(0)
For I = 1 To Len(S)
CH = Mid(S, I, 1)
If myDict.Exists(CH) Then
sRes(UBound(sRes)) = IIf(CH <> "-", charCnt(S, CH) & " ", "") & myDict(CH)
I = I + charCnt(S, CH)
Do While Not myDict.Exists(CH)
sRes(UBound(sRes)) = sRes(UBound(sRes)) & CH
I = I + 1
CH = Mid(S, I, 1)
End If
I = I - 1
ReDim Preserve sRes(UBound(sRes) + 1)
Next I
ReDim Preserve sRes(UBound(sRes) - 1)
convStr = Join(sRes, ", ")
End Function
Function charCnt(S As String, CH As String) As Long
Dim startChar As Long
startChar = InStr(S, CH)
If startChar > 0 Then
charCnt = Len(S) - Len(Replace(S, CH, ""))
charCnt = 0
End If
End Function