
时间:2019-09-08 18:44:26

标签: sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2012

我想将单个col数据分成多列。 我有一列名为LocationCode的列,该列在表中的长度是可变的。


LocationCode (col name)


注意:将所有这些都分成不同的列。 预期输出:

Column1   Column2   Column3     Column4      Column5    Column6    Column7
100       23432     356345      6765634       34324      5645         F
100       2343      565465   56756765756756  4535435345  76466        F
200    234324234  46565466456  678678678678  543545445  43243243      F
1502      23           5          56546     7657767575   567567      MGR

我的样本数据由定界符分隔。和整数值的长度不同。 新形成的列应由定界符分隔。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

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/toolchain.py recipes:
audiostream  master  
click        master  
curly        master  
cymunk       master  
distribute   0.7.3   
ffmpeg       2.6.3   
ffpyplayer   v3.2    
flask        master  
freetype     2.5.5   
hostlibffi   3.2.1   
hostpython2  2.7.1   
hostpython3  3.7.1   
ios          master  
itsdangerous master  
jinja2       master  
kivent_core  master  
kivy         1.10.1  
libcurl      7.65.3  
libffi       3.2.1   
libjpeg      v9a     
libpng       1.6.26  
markupsafe   master  
numpy        1.9.1   
openssl      1.0.2k  
photolibrary master  
pil          2.8.2   
plyer        master  
pycrypto     2.6.1   
pykka        1.2.1   
pyobjus      master  
python2      2.7.1   
python3      3.7.1   
pyyaml       3.11    
sdl2         2.0.8   
sdl2_image   2.0.0   
sdl2_mixer   2.0.0   
sdl2_ttf     2.0.12  
werkzeug     master


Online Demo

答案 1 :(得分:0)


with cte1 as 
(select col,charindex('.',col,charindex('.',col,(charindex('.',col)+1))+1) ind from table)

,cte2 as
(SELECT col, right(col,len(col)-ind) p1, left(col,ind-1) p2 from cte1)

parsename(p2,3) col1,
parsename(p2,2) col2,
parsename(p2,1) col3,
parsename(p1,4) col4,
parsename(p1,3) col5,
parsename(p1,2) col6,
parsename(p1,1) col7
from cte2;

Demo Fiddle

答案 2 :(得分:0)


with cte1(LocationCode, code, seqnum) as
select LocationCode, value as code,
    row_number() over(partition by LocationCode order by (select null)) as seqnum
from location
cross apply string_split(LocationCode, '.')
select LocationCode,
    max(case when seqnum = 1 then rtrim(code) end) as Column1,
    max(case when seqnum = 2 then rtrim(code) end) as Column2,
    max(case when seqnum = 3 then rtrim(code) end) as Column3,
    max(case when seqnum = 4 then rtrim(code) end) as Column4,
    max(case when seqnum = 5 then rtrim(code) end) as Column5,
    max(case when seqnum = 6 then rtrim(code) end) as Column6,
    max(case when seqnum = 7 then rtrim(code) end) as Column7
from cte1
group by LocationCode