如何使用打字稿为React Hooks组件编写Redux reducer?

时间:2019-09-06 16:12:07

标签: typescript redux types react-hooks typescript-typings


// possible action types
enum ActionType {

// mapping interface [action-type]: data-type
interface ActionData {
  [ActionType.UpdateInterval]: Interval;
  [ActionType.None]: undefined,
  [ActionType.Test]: number;

// wrapper for type&data
interface Action<T extends ActionType> {
  type: T;
  data: ActionData[T]

// reduce function type
type ReduceMap<S extends State> = { [key in ActionType]: (state: S, data: ActionData[key]) => S };

// reduce process map (I prefer using object instead of switch)
const reduceMap : ReduceMap<State> = {
  [ActionType.UpdateInterval]: (state, data) => state,
  [ActionType.None]: (state, data) => state,
  [ActionType.Test]: (state, data) => state

// just reducer function
function reducer<T extends ActionType>(state: State, action: Action<T>) : State {        
  return reduceMap[action.type](state, action.data);

问题出在reducer函数内部:打字稿说第二个reduceMap函数参数的类型为never。 但我希望它类似于Interval | undefined | number

enter image description here

Argument of type 'ActionData[T]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. Type 'number | Interval | undefined' is not assignable to type 'never'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2345)


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