来自德国的问候, 阿明
# Importing the libraries
import numpy as np
X = np.load('1.npy') # X values, X.shape = (768,1000) (16*16*3 Input features and 1000 trainingsexamples)
Y = np.load('88.npy') # Y values, Y.shape = (12288,1000) (64*64*3 Output features and 1000 trainingsexamples)
m = 1000 # Number of the trainingsexamples
alpha = 0.05 # Learning rate
iterations = 1000
cache = 0 # Used to save our previous J to calculate if we are getting better or not
# Definiton of our NN modell
# First layer / first hidden layer
W_1 = np.random.randn(768, 4) # weights
B_1 = np.zeros((4, 1))
Z_1 = np.zeros((4, 1000))
A_1 = np.zeros((4, 1000)) # Activations of the first layer
# Second layer / second hidden layer
W_2 = np.random.randn(4, 5)
B_2 = np.zeros((5, 1))
Z_2 = np.zeros((5, 1000))
A_2 = np.zeros((5, 1000))
# Third layer/ output layer
W_3 = np.random.randn(5, 12288)
B_3 = np.zeros((12288, 1))
Z_3 = np.zeros((12288, 1000))
A_3 = np.zeros((12288, 1000))
for i in range(iterations):
# Forwardprop start
Z_1 = np.dot(W_1.T, X) + B_1
A_1 = np.maximum(Z_1, 0)
Z_2 = np.dot(W_2.T, A_1) + B_2
A_2 = np.maximum(Z_2, 0)
Z_3 = np.dot(W_3.T, A_2) + B_3
A_3 = np.maximum(Z_3, 0)
# Calculates the loss and shows, if the NN is getting better or not
Loss = np.square(Y - A_3)
J = Loss.mean()
if J < cache:
cache = J
# Forwardprop End
# BackProp Start
da_dz = Z_3 >= 0 # da_dz = da/dz
da_dz = da_dz.astype(np.int)
dZ_3 = -2 * (A_3 - Y) * da_dz # dZ_3 = dL(Y, A_3)/dZ_3
dW_3 = np.dot(dZ_3, A_2.T) * (1 / m) # dW_3 = dL(Y, A_3)/dW_3
dB_3 = np.sum(dZ_3, axis=1, keepdims=True) * (1 / m) # dB_3 = dL(Y, A_3)/dB_3
# Gradient descent
W_3 = W_3 - alpha * dW_3.T
B_3 = B_3 - alpha * dB_3
da_dz = Z_2 >= 0
da_dz = da_dz.astype(np.int)
dZ_2 = np.dot(dW_3.T, dZ_3) * da_dz
dW_2 = np.dot(dZ_2, A_1.T) * (1 / m)
dB_2 = (np.sum(dZ_2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * (1 / m)
W_2 = W_2 - alpha * dW_2.T
B_2 = B_2 - alpha * dB_2
da_dz = Z_1 >= 0
da_dz = da_dz.astype(np.int)
dZ_1 = np.dot(dW_2.T, dZ_2) * da_dz
dW_1 = np.dot(dZ_1, X.T) * (1 / m)
dB_1 = (np.sum(dZ_1, axis=1, keepdims=True)) * (1 / m)
W_1 = W_1 - alpha * dW_1.T
B_1 = B_1 - alpha * dB_1
# BackProp End