
时间:2019-08-30 10:09:37

标签: bdd

所以我在页面上有很多按钮/滑块/输入等。 我需要所有这些按钮/滑块...来在页面末尾创建某种形式。 当我需要完成一些步骤时,如何在BDD中处理这种情况。 ?还是在最后,我为每个步骤都做断言是否正确?我还想更改示例:表中的值,只是为了检查不同的条件/状态。


    And as a deeplink url input "<deeplink_url_on_news_feed_banner>"
    And enter "<display_priority_on_news_feed>" as a display priority number
    And click cta on news feed banner
    And input cta text into cta news banner "<cta_text_news_banner>"
    And from the news_feed banner choose art file button
    And select available banner second
    And click create button
    Then announcement form has been created with valid announcement_name
    Then compare platform selection to announcement not the archive table    
    Then compare segment string "<segment_string>" to text in announcement 
    Then compare display priority number "<display_priority_number>" to text 
    Then compare deep link url "<deeplink_url>" to deep link url in 
    Then compare amount of cool down "<minutes>" to minutes in announcement ta

以上看起来很难看,也许我可以做得更好? 我无法将这些步骤与小故事分开,因为我需要选择几乎所有按钮或否才能创建表单

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


当我看到类似And select available banner second的步骤时,我立即想到“此情况需要横幅-任何横幅-而且我不在乎只要 a 横幅被选中。”


When I create the following foo
    | Field                   | Value                              |
    | Deep link URL           | <deeplink_url_on_news_feed_banner> |
    | Display priority number | <display_priority_on_news_feed>    |
    | CTA news banner         | <cta_text_news_banner>             |




When I create the following foo
    | Field                   | Value                              |
    | Deep link URL           | <deeplink_url_on_news_feed_banner> |
    | Display priority number | <display_priority_on_news_feed>    |
    | CTA news banner         | <cta_text_news_banner>             |
And I choose a news feed banner

I choose a news banner步骤将替换选择横幅的4个程序步骤:

And click cta on news feed banner
And input cta text into cta news banner "<cta_text_news_banner>"
And from the news_feed banner choose art file button
And select available banner second

When I choose a news feed banner步骤将实现导航用户界面的严格细节,以便选择新闻提要横幅。


Then the following announcement should exist:
    | Field                | Value                     |
    | Segment              | <segment_string>          |
    | Display priority     | <display_priority_number> |
    | Deep link URL        | <deeplink_url>            |
    | Cool down in minutes | <minutes>                 |



答案 1 :(得分:0)



And as a deeplink url input "<deeplink_url_on_news_feed_banner>"
And enter "<display_priority_on_news_feed>" as a display priority number
And click cta on news feed banner
And input cta text into cta news banner "<cta_text_news_banner>"
And from the news_feed banner choose art file button
And select available banner second
And click create button


And fill the necessary form data
And click create button
