如何使用jest spyOn方法将模拟数据传递给GET调用。
我最近开始使用jest,用于模拟API请求,我正在使用jest spyOn方法,我已成功模拟了post请求,但无法针对GET方法进行
export const requestOne = async (id) => {
const { data }= await axios.get(`fake${id}/request-one`);
return data;
export const requestTwo = async (id) => {
const { data } = await axios.get(`fake/request-two`);
return data;
export const requestThree = async (data) => {
await axios.put(`fake/request-three`, data);
return data;
import * as requests from './requests';
describe('Test', () => {
it('should make both get calls on click of button', () => {
// This test is failing
const spyOne =
jest.spyOn(requests, 'requestOne').mockImplementationOnce(() =>
const spyTwo = jest.spyOn(requests, 'requestTwo');
jest.spyOn(requests, 'requestTwo').mockImplementationOnce(() =>
const { container } = render(<Dom />);
// Unable to call requestOne and request two mocked data
it('should make post data to server', () => {
// This test is success
const spy = jest.spyOn(requests, 'requestThree ');
const { container } = render(<Dom />);
// Fill form details and submit
await wait(() => expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
当前工作解决方案: 对于拨打电话
axios.get.mockImplementationOnce(()=> Promise.resolve(mockedDataOne)); axios.get.mockImplementationOnce(()=> Promise.resolve(mockedDataTwo));
预期: 类似于post spyOn方法,我应该能够发送模拟数据,类似于
jest.spyOn(requests,'requestOne'); 将模拟的数据发送到requestOne和requestTwo
答案 0 :(得分:0)
代替Jest docs所示:
import Component from "./Component"
import axios from 'axios';
test('should fetch users', async () => {
const users = ["Bob", "John", "Jane"]
const response = {data: users};
const { getByText } = render(<Component/>)
await wait(() => {
users.forEach(user => getByText(user))