我正在创建一个GUROBI MILP(MIP)优化问题,该问题需要用目标函数和线性约束中的不同常数项进行多次求解。
进行模拟的,并且在24小时内,这意味着许多变量的形式为var_0[i,t] for i in [i1,i2,i3] for t in range(0,24)
This question与之类似,但与之不同的是,我没有一个RHS常数要针对每次运行进行更新。 This other看起来更像我的情况,但是我不太理解已接受的答案,也不了解如何在我的代码中实现它(因为obj。函数不变)。
seasons = ("wi","sp","su","au")
def create_dictionaries(season=None):
# creates the dictionaries P1,P2,...,Pn taking the values from
# a dataset and returns the dictionaries like this:
# P1 = {(i1,0) : 1, (i1,1) : 14, (i1,2) : -3, ...,
# (i2,0) : 5, (i2,1) : -54, (i2,2) : -.5, ..., #and so on
# ....}
# if season= None creates dummy dictionaries for the sake of
# not having an error while creating the model
class Model_custom():
def __init__(self,nmodel="default"):
self.m = Model(nmodel)
def make_model(self):
import constants as cstn #module that contains the values of constants a,b,c, ...
modelname = "Model_"+season
# Define the variables
I = {i1,i2,i3}
T = set(t for t in range(0,24))
var_01 = self.m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,name='var_01',lb=0,ub=GRB.INFINITY)
var_02 = self.m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,name='var_02',lb=0,ub=GRB.INFINITY)
var_03 = self.m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,name='var_03',lb=0,ub=GRB.INFINITY)
var_04 = self.m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,name='var_04',lb=0,ub=GRB.INFINITY)
#more and more variables are made
# Define the constraints
self.m.addConstrs(cstn.a * var_01[i,t] - cnst.b * var_02[i,t] - C <=0 for i in I for t in T)
# set objective function
objective = (a * quicksum(P1[i,t] for t in T - b * var_04[i,t] for i in I for t in T) + k * quicksum(var_01[i,t]+ P2[u,t] * var_02[i,t] for i in I for t in T))
def solve_model(self):
except GurobiError as e:
print('Error code '+ str(e.errno) + ": " + str(e))
except AttributeError as err:
print('Encountered an attribute error: ' + str(err))
if self.m.SolCount == 0:
print("Model has no solution")
test = Model_custom()
for season in seasons:
create_dictionaries(season) # creates the new set of constants
test.m.update() # update the model
test.solve_model() # solves the problem
filename = season + "result.sol"
test.m.write(filename) # prints the result to file
for season in seasons:
create_dictionaries(season) # creates the new set of constants
test.make_model() # re-creates the model
test.solve_model() # solves the problem
filename = season + "result.sol"
test.m.write(filename) # prints the result to file
我不喜欢它,因为我认为它既不优雅也不计算效率高(将来我计划在1年内求解相同的模型,这意味着需要8760小时,因此是一个更大,更复杂的模型)。 / p>