
时间:2019-08-26 14:39:34

标签: python pandas multi-index


                                           3                     9
measurement_location voltage
NaN                  NaN      Gleichrichtung    ...  Gegenrichtung
                     NaN               > 50mm   ...  1mm < x < 5mm
B-Säule              9,5 V                 52   ...             41
                     13 V                  47   ...             55
                     15,5 V                61   ...             65
Scheibenmitte        9,5 V                 49   ...             60
                     13 V                  60   ...             57
                     15,5 V                69   ...             66
A-Säule              9,5 V                 46   ...             49
                     13 V                  50   ...             48
                     15,5 V                58   ...             58

已从excel工作表读取数据帧,该工作表包含一个表,该表的前两列和前两行都有索引。实际上是二维MultiIndex数据帧。 实际数据从第三行和第三列开始。




measurement_location voltage    direction       distance        value
B-Säule              9,5 V      Gleichrichtung  > 50mm          52    # col "3", 1st data row
                                Gegenrichtung   1mm < x < 5mm   41    # col "9", 1st data row
Scheibenmitte        9,5 V      Gleichrichtung  > 50mm          49    # column "3", 4th data row
                                Gegenrichtung   1mm < x < 5mm   60    # column "9", 4th data row


  • 第0行称为“方向”
  • 第1行称为“距离”。

我想为一行添加一个新索引,但是我找不到一种方法,如何将其添加回MultiIndex ...

# get line of measurements
measurements = idf.iloc[2]
# get new "index" by values of each values column information
column_values = idf.iloc[0]

# yields:
                (nan, nan)
B-Säule  9,5 V  Gleichrichtung     52
                Gleichrichtung     53
                Gleichrichtung     54
                Gleichrichtung     50
                Gleichrichtung     55
                Gleichrichtung     56
                Gegenrichtung      41
                Gegenrichtung      42
                Gegenrichtung      43
dtype: object


idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([
        ['A', 'B', 'C'],
        ['9', '13', '16']
    names=['measurement_location', 'voltage']

data = np.arange(36).reshape(9, 4)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, idx)

                               0   1   2   3
measurement_location voltage
A                    9         0   1   2   3
                     13        4   5   6   7
                     16        8   9  10  11
B                    9        12  13  14  15
                     13       16  17  18  19
                     16       20  21  22  23
C                    9        24  25  26  27
                     13       28  29  30  31
                     16       32  33  34  35

在这个最小的示例中,每列的值共享相同的索引元组(就像在上面的实际数据中,列“ 3”:(Gleichrichtung> 50mm))。


就像 target 中所述,最终我希望每个值都包含一行

measurement_location voltage    direction       distance        value
B-Säule              9,5 V      Gleichrichtung  > 50mm          52


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


                                           3                     9
measurement_location voltage
NaN                  NaN      Gleichrichtung    ...  Gegenrichtung
                     NaN               > 50mm   ...  1mm < x < 5mm
B-Säule              9,5 V                 52   ...             41
                     13 V                  47   ...             55
                     15,5 V                61   ...             65
Scheibenmitte        9,5 V                 49   ...             60
                     13 V                  60   ...             57
                     15,5 V                69   ...             66
A-Säule              9,5 V                 46   ...             49
                     13 V                  50   ...             48
                     15,5 V                58   ...             58 


# indexed dataframe
idf = tempdf.set_index([0, 1], ['measurement_location', 'voltage'])
# create a new multi index from the first two rows
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([idf.iloc[0].values, idf.iloc[1].values])
# map it to the column indexes
idxdf = pd.DataFrame(pd.np.arange(3, 12), index=midx)

Gleichrichtung  > 50mm          3
                > 50mm          4
                > 50mm          5
                1mm < x < 5mm   6
                1mm < x < 5mm   7
                1mm < x < 5mm   8
Gegenrichtung   1mm < x < 5mm   9
                1mm < x < 5mm  10
                1mm < x < 5mm  11

# mapping column index to multi index
c2mi = dict(zip(idxdf.values.flat, idxdf.index.to_list()))
# create a series by using the columns values as a helper index for the reassignment
# of column index to the new multi index
new_df = idf[2:].stack().to_frame()
# assign the direction and distance to intermediate columns
# by mapping the respective element of the helper index (level 2)
# to it's direction/distance value
# new_df.index.map -> index -> values of the correspnding series
new_df['direction'] = new_df.index.map(lambda idx: c2mi[idx[2]][0]).to_series().values
new_df['distance'] = new_df.index.map(lambda idx: c2mi[idx[2]][1]).to_series().values
# drop the helper index
new_df.index = new_df.index.droplevel(2)
# rename the original index
new_df.index.set_names(['measurement_location', 'voltage'], inplace=True)
# set the new index levels
new_df = new_df.set_index(['direction', 'distance'], append=True)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from itertools import cycle

idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([
        ['B-Säule', 'Scheibenmitte', 'A-Säule'],
        ['9.5 V', '13 V', '15.5 V']
    names=['measurement_location', 'voltage']

data = np.arange(18).reshape(9, 2)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, idx, columns = [3, 9])


                                   3    9
measurement_location    voltage     
B-Säule                 9.5 V      0    1
                        13 V       2    3
                        15.5 V     4    5
Scheibenmitte           9.5 V      6    7
                        13 V       8    9
                        15.5 V     10   11
A-Säule                 9.5 V      12   13
                        13 V       14   15
                        15.5 V     16   17


# Rename columns
df.rename({3: 'Gleichrichtung', 9: 'Gegenrichtung'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Remove nan rows (if present)
df.reindex(df.index.dropna(), inplace=True)


df_new = pd.concat([df["Gleichrichtung"], df["Gegenrichtung"]], axis=1).stack().to_frame('value')
df_new.index.set_names('direction', level=2, inplace=True)   # Rename index


seq = cycle(["> 50mm", "1mm < x < 5mm"])
df_new['distance'] = [next(seq) for count in range(df_new.shape[0])]



                                                value   distance
measurement_location    voltage direction       
B-Säule                 9.5 V   Gleichrichtung  0       > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   1       1mm < x < 5mm
                        13 V    Gleichrichtung  2       > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   3       1mm < x < 5mm
                        15.5 V  Gleichrichtung  4       > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   5       1mm < x < 5mm
Scheibenmitte           9.5 V   Gleichrichtung  6       > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   7       1mm < x < 5mm
                        13 V    Gleichrichtung  8       > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   9       1mm < x < 5mm
                        15.5 V  Gleichrichtung  10      > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   11      1mm < x < 5mm
A-Säule                 9.5 V   Gleichrichtung  12      > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   13      1mm < x < 5mm
                        13 V    Gleichrichtung  14      > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   15      1mm < x < 5mm
                        15.5 V  Gleichrichtung  16      > 50mm
                                Gegenrichtung   17      1mm < x < 5mm